Crypto Academy Season 3 Beginners' course - Homework Post for Task 2: Blockchain, Decentralization, Block explorer by @anmolwajid

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Write the definition of blockchain. And how our data on Blockchain is protected from hackers. ? And write details about Data, Hash and Previous Hash tag and explain through screenshot.

Write the definition of blockchain

Blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions. Blockchain is a decentralized network that uses cryptography. It's similar in nature to micro-tasking platforms like TaskRabbit and RelayRides, which use the internet as a marketplace for connecting workers with customers. In blockchain, transactions are processed by nodes without centralized oversight. Blockchain could be used to track game items like pieces in online chess or collectible cards, where cryptocurrencies are traded for them. The technology has also been brought into other areas like eCommerce and healthcare data management. Blockchain is a key element of cryptocurrency, a digital currency that's based on cryptographic coding. The characteristics of blockchain make it a valuable solution to managing digital records. These include security, transparency, and immutability. The technology can be applied to all types of records, from financial transactions to medical data.

How our data on Blockchain is protected from hackers

Blockchain, the world's leading technology to safeguard data online, has two features that make it different from other kinds of computing. One, it has no central point of information storage; rather information is stored in "blocks" distributed across computers around the world. Two, there are teams of people (or computers) who compete to validate each transaction - ensuring that the transactions are not duplicated or fake because if they were, then their version might end up in another block and that would change the history of Blockchain. In case of a hacker, they would create a fake version that causes the world's foundations to shake.

With each record of transactions being permanently recorded, Blockchain provides a secure way to manage data. By making the process decentralized, it is impossible for hackers to steal data or alter it.

Blockchain systems are built to be transparent because they are changing society's relationship with information by connecting individuals, companies and institutions together. The security features of the technology are designed to withstand the force of this social change by blocking manipulation or censorship. The power of trust in distributed ledgers has the potential to transform every industry from energy trading, securities settlement and property titles to health records and election results. legal contracts, media, construction, notary services to transportation.

Where there is the possibility of corruption, Blockchain technology offers transparency. It can track everything from an individual's identity to an organization's spending on grants, whether it's public or private. This technology has enormous potential to solve some of the world's most pressing problems of identity theft and fraud while protecting personal data. It can even ensure that foodis more effective at its source because information about the journey from farm to table is recorded in a permanent ledger that ensures trust between all parties in supply chain cycle.

And write details about Data, Hash and Previous Hash tag and explain through screenshot

Data in Blockchain is a term that describes the data which you can find in any block chain. The data is normally found on the top of the block chain and includes information such as timestamps, transaction links and account balances. You can also find transaction input and output values, cryptographic signature values and public keys. All these related fields make up Data in Blockchain.

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Hash tags are strings of characters that are created by the blockchain to store data, and they are assigned unique identifiers. Different transactions can have different hash tags. All hashes are created by running some cryptographic algorithm on some input, with some additional information set into that input. They then output a fixed-length array of characters that represent the input without actually recording any information about it, just an identifying string based off of its "hash" value. The more inputs processed with the same algorithm consume more space in the output. One way to generate hash collisions is to repeatedly use different algorithms on different inputs until you've used them all up or have obtained what you would consider an acceptable result for your personal purpose.

In the context of a blockchain, a hash is used to store information relating to a block of data that was just processed multiple times. All the other inputs for that block's hash are stored in a separate list. If a user attempts to add a new input to a previous hash, this would potentially cause the previous hash data to be overwritten causing all traces of its existence being erased from the blockchain. This wouldn't affect other chains connected via other shards, but would have an impact on the consistency and security of the current chain because every single block would then be conflicting with itself resulting in different consensus history.

Previous Hash tag

The Previous Hash tag denotes a block in relation to its hash value in a previous block in the blockchain and not any other block in that particular blockchain. If we consider a sequence of different strings of data A1... AN, where M=Length(A1... AN), then, all the blocks in a blockchain have a hash tag. The previous hash tag in a given block is equal to the hash tag in its parent block minus 1. For example: [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J]... all have the same Previous Hash tag of D5, i.e., taken from the previous block was Block #165. In Blockchain, when a new block is added to a chain then that new block has another hash tag which is its parent's Previous Hash tag minus 1 times that number of blocks starting from 0. E.g. if "Block #165" has a hash tag of D5, then the new block will have a hash tag of D4.
Cc:- @yousafharoonkhan @steemitblog @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02

Expecting a positive response from the Professors:-

@awesononso @lenonmc21 @reminiscence01 @wahyunahrul @sapwood

Hi @anmolwajid, Thank you for taking interest in the 2nd Task of the Beginners Fixed Class. Your grades are as follows:

Assessment AspectsRating
Presentation/Use of Markdowns0 / 2
Follow Rules and Guideline0 / 2
Quality of Analysis0 / 2
Clarity of Language0 / 2
Originality0 / 2
Total0 / 10

My Review and Suggestions:

  • You were detected by purchasing vote, this is prohibited on Steemit Crypto Academy.

Thank you!

 3 years ago (edited)

@wahyunahrul please check i have also invested money, this was a past mistake. If that requires that i could invest some more in order to participate in here. There must be a way to correct a mistake made in past.
I am now building my Steem by participating in the contest, posting content that is a requirement to be a part of CryptoAcademy. I do deserve another chance.

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