A young woman of faith

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Mary was a young Jewish woman who lived in the city of Nazareth, this city was not considered so important for many of the Jews because the center for them was the holy city of Israel, but God who acts in mysterious ways for man, the entire deposit his blessing and trust in this beautiful young and humble girl who was engaged to a man named Joseph from the lineage of King David. José was a just man by profession a carpenter and very humble that in history we hardly speak of him but his role was very important like that of Mary.



Mary was a brave woman and full of faith that the God of heaven fixed her gaze on her, since Jehovah knows the depths of our hearts. God did not look for a servant among the royalty of that time or among the priests, but I looked at the heart of this great woman, a contracted and humbled heart and adorer of the only true God Jehovah The Eternal, who, shortly before her wedding with Joseph, God revealed to her through his angel the greatest ministry a servant could have.
The scriptures tell us that the angel told her (Luke 1: 26-38) Mary you are blessed among all women here conceived in your womb and you will give Liz a son and you will name him Jesus, he will be great and will be called son of the Most High and God will give him the throne of David his father and he will reign over the house of Jacob (Israel) forever and his kingdom will have no end.

And Mary, surprised, replied to the angel: how will this be, since no man has touched me, I am a virgin, but the angel told her that by the work of the Holy Spirit she would have to remain in tape because for God nothing is impossible.
In this story we see this great message but what strikes me is the response of a woman of faith of adoration and courage who did not care at that moment what the holy law decreed but her words affirmed with love the acceptance of this great blessing. of God for her which she answered: I am the slave of the Lord, be done to me according to your word, immediately she became pregnant.

These words full of power from this great woman changed the whole world and the destiny of all humanity, because in her womb our Savior, mine and yours, Jesus Christ the King of Israel and our great Redeemer began to grow. Joseph, a man of God, by faith believed in the covenant of God with his wife Mary, already decreed for him, and he accepted it by divine message that is why Jesus comes from the tribe of Judah of the lineage of King David, a nation in Bethlehem he grew up in Nazareth That is why he is called Jesus of Nazareth, and he died and rose again in the holy city of Jerusalem and through his sacrifice you and I are saved forever. The answer that changed the world I am the handmaid of Jehovah be done to me according to your word, Mary a young woman of faith.


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