God's nation

in HeartChurch3 years ago



Throughout history, man has had the power to invent, to do, to teach, to take control and to own territory by conquering it, thus many nations were born and came into existence with their names now well known and set by man.

In ancient times we find the story of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), there we learn how all kinds of language were born and how the peoples known as nations came to be. Today we know many continents, each one has its name already established, this is called: America (central north and south), Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania there are 5 continents and they are all made up of many nations, we are going to know some names of each one of them for each continent. In Europe we find: Spain, England, Italy, Germany. In America: Venezuela, the United States, Argentina and Brazil. In Asia: China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea. In Africa: South Africa, Cameroon, Ivory Coast. And in Oceania: Australia.
The Middle East is made up of many Arab nations, it is located between Asia where the majority belongs and Africa. One of the largest nations in territory, that is, in land area is the nation of Russia, it covers two continents that are Europe and Asia. The names of these Arab nations are: Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Akanista, Kuwuai, Saudi Arabia, Emirates, Dubai, Aman, Morocco, Libya and Egypt.

All these nations have their history has their religion and sacred book and all of them their names were given by man. But we find a nation that is located in the Middle East, in the center of the earth so special that its name was put directly by the only true God and creator of all things that until the sun of today bears that same name. By our great God YAHWEH this nation is called Israel (Jewish people).

The bible tells us that he was a servant of God known as one of the patriarchs who made a pact with the God of heaven by divine mandate, Jacob was his name, son of Isaac, grandson of Abraham, the father of faith, known as the patriarchs, God called Abraham and a pact with him confirmed it with his son Isaac and fulfilled it with his grandson Jacob, who later God himself blessed him by changing his name: you will no longer be called Jacob, God said, but your name will be Israel. God's nation.

It is the country or nation whose name comes from heaven, the bible declares it as the apple of Jehovah's eye as a special treasure as the most beautiful land where milk and honey flow and from which the salvation of the man Jesus Christ comes, and comes the most sacred book in history the Bible and by this pact through the sacrifice of Jesus today you and I are also part of this great nation of God we are an acquired people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a chosen lineage.

My dear brothers we are the nation of God we are the spiritual Israel and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the eternal love of God enveloped us all, not wanting anyone to be lost but rather that we all proceed to repentance and salvation, God's gift for our lives. lives.




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