It is not the defeat but the teaching

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Greetings friends and brothers from the HeartChurch community. Today I share another message of interest referring to the great need to learn from those failures or defeats that we may experience in life.

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The great dream of every woman is to become a mother and have a fruitful womb that fulfills God's plans of multiplication. However, there are situations that sadden a woman, such as not being able to have children due to being sterile.

Apparently this can be like a defeat for a woman, however in God's purposes miracles always arise. The problems are not to drown in a glass of water, nor to scream and blame God for the unfortunate condition we may be living in. Problems are real opportunities to trust God and obtain creative miracles.

It is necessary to learn from the things that do not turn out for good in life. Every negative event is full of teachings for us women. We must fully trust God and take the opportunity to leave everything in his hands and obtain the miracle we need.

There is a woman named Ana whose husband had another woman named Penina, who humiliated Ana because she was sterile. Despite Penina's mockery and humiliation towards Ana, she was able to learn from these negative lessons of failure and humiliation, and began to put everything in God's hands and wait on God for his miracle.

Ana's unfavorable situation taught her to trust God and when she sought God's face, things began to work differently, so much was Ana learned from her pain and suffering that her trust in God increased and she was able to have a child, because God did the creative miracle.

It is not about experiencing defeat but about learning that in the midst of defeat, God can make great victories.

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