Hug your family and put aside the differences ..... (20% for @HeartChurch)

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Greetings friends of the HeartChurch community. I share a new message related to the great importance of hugging the family and putting aside the differences that may exist.

The Bible teaches us an interesting story of two brothers in which one of them persecuted the other to death. It is about Jacob and Esau, sons of Isaac.

Jacob, according to the biblical story in Genesis, bought his brother Esau's birthright blessing for a cup of pink beans. Finally, when Isaac, the father of these children, died, Esau did not know that through deception his brother Jacob had received the birthright blessing. Esau had promised that when his father died, he would kill his brother Jacob. The truth is that Jacob fled to the house of his mother's brother and Esau started a persecution and a hatred for Jacob.

Years passed and Esau's hatred for Jacob persisted, however, Jacob decided to return to his land, but he had in mind that his brother was looking for him to the death.

Jacob sought God's presence to remove hatred from his brother's heart and God's response was immediate:

Lifting his eyes, Jacob looked, and behold, Esau was coming, and the four hundred men with him; He then divided the children between Lea and Rachel and the two servants.
2 And he put the maidservants and their children first, then Leah and her children, and Rachel and Joseph last.
3 And he passed before them and bowed to the ground seven times, until he came to his brother.
4 But Esau ran to meet him, embraced him, fell on his neck, and kissed him; and they cried. Genesis 33: 1-4

Imagen source

Jacob bowed seven times, searching deeply for God's presence, and as a result, the brothers ended up embracing each other and putting their differences aside.

It seems very common in many non-Christian homes to meet brothers who hate each other to death. Home seems like hell and constant conflict. Christian families need to understand that brotherly love is a mandate from God.

God enjoys when the family comes together in harmony and shares joyfully. The family unit is based on love and biblical principles.

Look how good and how delicious it is
Brothers to live together in unity! Psalm 133: 1

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