Life teaching: do your best work every day

in HeartChurch3 years ago

And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord and not for men; 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance, because you serve Christ the Lord. Colossians 3: 23-24

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How interesting and exciting are the teachings we receive on a daily basis in our life. We always want to strive to do things well, however, nothing better than being aware that what we do must be from the heart and as if it were for God.

Don't go out of your way to do things to please your husband, children, or friends. Don't do it to please them. The Christian life teaches that what we do should be centered on God and not on men. Men will never reward your work, but God, it is fair to give the reward according to the work we do for Him.

No matter how simple what you have to do, do it as if it were for God. Do not do it in a bad way, because God likes that we do things for Him with all our hearts.
If you give God your best, God will reward you with the best of his kingdom. Men practice injustice, but the throne of God is founded on love and justice.

If you're at your job, don't do it to please your boss, just do it like it's for God. If you have to do a charitable work, do it not for people to flatter you, but for God, who will reward you for your good work.

There are many teachings of life, in which we have to mature and exercise to continually please God and serve him with an honest and loving heart.

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