The Intercessor depends on the Holy Spirit.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

The intercessor needs the Holy Spirit. The worst mistake we can make is to think that mechanics can replace the Holy Spirit. We have made many mistakes when praying.


Ephesians 6:18

With all prayer and supplication pray at all times in the Spirit, and thus, watch with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints;

The fact of praying with great emotion and not praying the word which is what God said; and when I believe what God said ,; I believe what God is.

It is important to know that intercession is very powerful and when the devil knows that he cannot stop an intercession he tries to stagnate it even worse he tries to divert it or make it useless and it is dangerous to stay with the mechanics of intercession and lose the substance of it.

Remember that maybe 15 minutes of intercession is more powerful than a whole day of religious mechanics and what we are looking for in intercession is to be effective, not be repetitive, not be mechanical; but to be effective we want this intercession to reach the Throne of grace and we want the throne of grace to be pronounced in favor of our petition.

When that happens we have made the ladder that you saw in Genesis that goes from heaven to earth and angels go up and down they go down and up. That kind of interaction is achieved through intercession, and it is what is happening in our church, there is a stairway from heaven to earth and angels are descending and angels are ascending; Down angels with answers and up angels competitions.

God wants it to be done all over the world and that is where we have to start working; may God bring out the spirit of intercession and of supplication to other churches to other states to other places for an epidemic of intercession to take place Hallelujah.

Now to be effective I know that we need the Holy Spirit there is no way to undertake an intersection and be effective if we do not do it with the help of the Holy Spirit; and it is important to understand this although it may be tacit people can say no but the holy spirit is helping me.

Sometimes you learn mechanics and run out of the holy spirit; remember that he is our helper, learn to intercede and then tell the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we already know how to intercede, we don't need you to help us because I already know how to do this I already know how to shout I already know how to quote biblical verses, I already know how to pray, but you can lose the substance note that you cannot do prayer and supplication without the Spirit.

So it does say that you can make prayer and supplication in the Spirit; You can also make prayer and supplication in the flesh, but Paul's recommendation, be careful we are in a spiritual war we have no fight against blood or against flesh.

So Paul is giving in a professorship to the Ephesians and he says I want you to understand something, you can pray at all times, of course; but there is a prayer and a supplication that is done in the Spirit, and that is if you are not in your Bible that word Spirit is capitalized that indicates that it refers to the Holy Spirit and not to the spirit of man.

So that Holy Spirit wants to achieve and produce in us an intersection that is a prayer and supplication, that can reach the Throne of grace that is our goal, reach heaven.

Every intercessor should not be seen or heard by someone. Here on the horizontal plane, every intercessor must want God to hear him, heaven hear him, and heaven respond.

If no one else heard it, well, but God heard. That is where the prayer to the Throne of grace should come. So what is the intercession that comes to the Throne of grace that is done in the Spirit praying and pleading.


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