Consider Your Behavior

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Hebrews 13: 7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you; consider what has been the result of their conduct, and imitate their faith.



Sometimes we live believing that we are responsible only for our life, and that it does not matter how we do it as long as we do not bother anyone else, but this is a quite wrong concept and totally contrary to what the bible teaches us, because we will always be examples for others You decide if you are a good or a bad example.

Consider this writing that we find in Hebrews 13: 7, where it is urged to remember, take into account, what was the behavior of those who preached the word of God and above all says "consider", this contains a great analysis, study and analyze what was the behavior of these people and thus imitate them. In other words, he is telling us that first to follow someone and imitate him we must analyze what the behavior of such people is like.

Not just anyone should be Listening, not just anyone should be followed, much less imitate him, these should be people who have shown that their actions are worth following as an example. That is why today he called us all to reflect on what are those actions that we must change, that we must preserve, but it is necessary to do it as the word indicates, we cannot continue living as simple followers of Jesus, if not rather doers of his word.

We will mark the lives of at least some people who are around us, and we must live thinking about it, that there are eyes that look at us, that we will be their example, it is in your hands to decide what you are going to contribute to the next generation After You.

Therefore we must not only shut ourselves up in preaching Jesus, we must demonstrate it, and show others that we are only those who carry the message of his word, but also live it, just as he did.

Let's mark people with actions that elevate the name of Jesus.

 3 years ago 

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