SEC-S16-W5 | Natural spaces

in Venezolanos Steem2 months ago (edited)


Hello Everyone

This is probably my last post for the next ten days as I'll be spending the mext week in complete seclusion, trying to spend my time in worship and solitude. After that, I'll come back on Eid day and will continue with my posts once again.

Today I'll be writing on the contest organised by the Venezolanos Steem community for the Steemit Engagement Challenge season 16 Week 5 and the topic of today's contest is the natural spaces in my country. I'll take this post as an opportunity to mention the beauty of Pakistan to users from all over the world as this will present a good image of this beautiful country on Earth.

Pakistan is surrounded by natural spaces on all four sides. Towards the Southern border we have natural aesthetic beaches built on the Arabian Sea. Towards the Western border we have the rugged terrain on mountains in Balochistan, Eastwards we the luscious greenery and on the Northern part of yhe the country we have the highest mountainous peaks in the world, ie, The Himalayas.

All of these natural spaces make Pakistan a very unique country and boosts the tourism sector but there are few places that I find close to my heart, the first one is the:

Princess of Hope



The Princess of Hope is a natural rock creation in the barren land of Hingol National Park in Balochistan, Pakistan. This breathtaking structure has been standing like this since centuries and according to the geologists the stone has be sculptured in this shape through a natural phenomenon. There are still beliefs to this day that the people who lived there hundreds and thousands of years ago considered this rock as a God of Fortune. The smooth curves of the rock with a small rock placed so perfectly on the top of a long rock gives it shape of a female body. Despite its distant location, the Princess of Hope has become a popular tourist destination, attracting adventurers and photographers who want to experience its fascinating history and the aura that surrounds it.



The Hunza Valley


Last year I packed my bags and headed straight to the Hunza Valley right after my exams finished. Hunza Valley is the most visited place in Pakistan. Even the international tourists visit the Hunza Valley first nefore visiting any other place. And why wouldn't they do so? It's one of the God's most majestic creations.


This valley is surrounded by the meadows bordered by blue rivers gushing at their finest through the valley and the humongous mountainous peaks encircling the entire valley.


I hiked a mountain in this valley, and it took more than three hours to do so. It was a very tiring hike but it was all worth it in the end. When I reached the peak, it was almost dusk. Look at the view:



Ormara Beach to the South

To the south we have calm peaceful beach, known as the Ormara Beach. It's one of those hidden gems, a lot of people do not know about, so you can visit it and spend some peaceful time. The smooth and tranquil wind at the seaside encapsulates me as I just lay down on my back and watch the sun going down on into the horizon. I visited this beach in the summers with my friends:


Night camping at the Ormara Beach is a bewitching experience itself. From setting up the camp to spending the night inside it, is a surreal experience that can hardly be described in words. Imagine the junction of the ocean amalgamating with the night sky with stars shining brightly on our faces while the waves gush loudly. The salty and moist air is one thing that I personally don't like about beaches. At night the crabs crawled out from beneath the ground but they didn't disturb me much inside the camp



That's it from my side. I'm sure you must have seen how beautiful Pakistan really is. If you were thinking of visiting Pakistan soon, this is your sign. I'd like to invite @malikusman1 @steemdoctor1 and @sualeha to take part in this contest.
Thank you


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Gracias por participar en el SEC16-W5 "Espacios naturales".

En verdad Pakistán ha sido esculpido por la divina creación. Hasta las piedras muestran las bondades de manos amorosas.

He viajado contigo en esta publicación. Todos tus espacios naturales son de gran belleza, son majestuosos!!

Deseo que tengas unos días tranquilos en tu aislamiento y luego que regreses con mucha felicidad.

Muchas gracias por publicar en esta casa de sueños posibles. Saludos!

Club StatusClub5050
Steem Exclusive
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Libre BOT
Fecha de Verificación31 mar 2024

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Convertiste a tu país en una total y absoluta tentación para mí. Las fotografías y tu descripción son una hermosa promoción a conocer estás bellezas naturales.

Bendiciones y éxitos. Feliz viaje.

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