2300-year-old tomb of a prostitute found

in CCS2 months ago


Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient tomb of a courtesan. In Jerusalem, the grave of a young girl was discovered on the side of the road. Historians have concluded that she was a prostitute. Important! A highly qualified representative of the profession.

An important and interesting find


A grave was discovered on the side of the road. The very location of the grave is curious. It is located far from the settlement and the nearest churchyard. The answer to this question was found during excavations.

Archaeologists paid attention to the burial goods. The most important find was the mirror box. Bronze box. This item suggests that a girl was buried here. After all, such products are associated with Greek women.

Israel Antiquities Authority spokeswoman Liat Oz indicated that the mirror was made by highly skilled craftsmen. Thanks to the high quality of workmanship, it has survived to this day. It is important to note that the condition of the product is excellent. One gets the impression that the mirror was created yesterday, and not 2300 years ago.

A mirror of this quality was an expensive product. Such things were bought as a dowry. But Greek women did not leave their homes after the wedding. They lived in Greece and did not travel with their husbands. The mirror could have been a gift from a warrior or politician to his hetaera.

Essentially, these women were elite escorts. They accompanied men on foreign campaigns. On the other hand, such women are usually considered prostitutes. They could provide various services. Including sexual ones. Among the famous hetaeras, Phryne can be distinguished.

Another important aspect is that the hetaera was cremated. In fact, this is one of the first cremation procedures in human history.

Archaeologist Guy Stiebel indicated that the grave dates from the 3rd or 4th century BC. Accordingly, it turns out that the prostitute arrived in Jerusalem together with one of the military leaders or politicians. This could have happened during one of the Macedonian campaigns. At the same time, it is possible that the girl could have ended up in Jerusalem during the Diadochoa wars. That is, during the struggle between the Macedonian commanders for the right to become his successor.

The discovery of the tomb of a prostitute confirms that this is one of the most ancient professions. In addition, the importance lies in the finds of funerary objects. They allow you to study the craft of that time. In addition, it is possible to restore some aspects of the life of warriors or politicians of antiquity.

Pictures: screenshots of photographs from open sources


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