Don't end your dreams this way

in CCS11 months ago


I will eat, lie down, wake up at night, use mobile phone, play pubg. Tik Tok, Facebook will also do. Then fall asleep again. Then if you remember to read even if you make a mistake. But cry, no more by me. I don't like to study at all. Then lie down again. Wake up again. Eat, use mobile again. Hey, the life of an animal is much better than you. At least he knows it. What is important for him?

Time is running out, today mom and dad are feeding each other. Who will feed them tomorrow when their hands and feet will not work. When your friend goes further than you when he fulfills his dreams and you hit the road. And I will spend my life crying like the rest of my life. And blame your luck for my bad luck. Hey who are you kidding? Who are you lying to? Remember brother this world is a chameleon. No one here. Your pain doesn't matter to anyone. If you want to have a good life, you want to take care of your parents. But something must be done boss. Pubg, facebook, tiktok will not be useful. I don't feel like teaching. Nothing will happen by me.

Why won't anything happen to you? You are also a man, is there less of you? What do you not have that will not be given to you? The boy who tops the class is also a man. He also has two eyes, two hands, two legs. But there are many differences. You don't like your studies. Because you read to read. Reading to you means reading in any way. Just as a boat is needed to cross an ocean, education is needed to fulfill dreams. He who likes to read has a goal. He has some dreams. He wants to get something out of life. And he knows it well that this study will bring him to the peak of his success. For this it takes his mind to study. And he tops the class.

And those who say can not read for mobile. Can't focus. But remember that you alone do not have a phone, the one who tops the class also has a phone. He also runs a mobile business with billions of rupees. Every successful person in this world has a mobile phone. But he knows when to do something about it. Hey, what will you do in life if you are a slave to a mobile phone, you can't get rid of the addiction of a mobile phone. And you are giving big lectures. Open your eyes, there is still time to take care of yourself. There is still time. Just make a promise to yourself. I will read from today. I will not use the mobile while reading. Don't read to show anyone else. Read for yourself. Will read for the family. Read for education.


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