
That's not true you've been brainwashed into thinking that by the bankers nobody wants to be a slave that's why everyone is depressed also I didn't say everyone had to be self reliant I said central banking needs to disappear to fix any problems because they are the cause of all of them it's slavery it is a Ponzi scheme all the money is owned by private corporations that create all the money from nothing and loan it all out on interest but the loans are impossible to pay back because everyone is paying the interest with the principal and there is no money to pay back the principal that's why $1 is worth less than ¢1 was when it was first introduced and they lie and say that the drop in value is because the supply has increased and nobody does there own research to find out the truth

I'd submit that the entire economy is a Ponzi to a large extent because of the over-reliance on the idea of "growth." Everyone has been sold the bag of good that unless we have MORE next week, next month, next year, we are somehow failing.

But when you look at it objectively... I need ONE toaster oven, ONE car, ONE bed, ONE loaf of bread and so on... and pitching me the idea that I need "5% more" next year is pretty much lunacy, and yet 95% of the world operates under the growth assumption.

I don't much care about bankers; we trade and barter for half the stuff we use there days...

That's a felony in the US unless you support the central banking Ponzi scheme with income tax because all income tax goes to the bankers to pay for the governments impossible loans that's why you don't care the government say they use your money to help everyone but they only pay the bankers so they don't get overthrown by the people when fiat loses all value the only ways out that aren't felonies are you have to pay more than $100,000 to buy a no tax citizenship by investment or are exempt by taking less than $20,000 profit with less than 10,000 transactions also I don't want to have more of everything I need money to research and do things that nobody has ever done before because they assume they're impossible

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