Earth Day | May the world be safe for all

in LifeStyle3 years ago


Despite the aggressive nature of the corona virus and the excruciating pain of being attacked by people around it, hope for the world is still alive in everyone. That is why Earth Day has been celebrated in about 193 countries of the world in the midst of lockdown. This day is celebrated every year to make our beautiful world livable and sustainable.

Although because of Corona we have a much worse situation in the world. Lockdown is still going on in most countries of the world. People in all regions have not yet received the full opportunity to be vaccinated. Still, everyone is dreaming of a livable world without fear.


April 22, World Earth Day. This year, World Earth Day is being celebrated under the theme 'Restore Our Earth' to raise public awareness about the environment. Environmentally conscious people around the world will be participating in a variety of activities today to draw attention to the need for immediate action to prevent climate crisis and environmental pollution to keep the world safe and livable.


Due to the different attitudes of the developing countries towards modern and advanced civilization, the level of environmental pollution is increasing rapidly today and the climate is losing its normal characteristics. As a result, our world is becoming more and more insecure. So this day is being celebrated through various activities with the aim of making people all over the world more aware.


Movements and discussions on climate change have been going on all over the world in recent decades. Many countries have taken many effective initiatives. In contrast, some influential countries have been criticized for indifference. Experts believe that people should learn from the corona virus experience. Everyone should play their due role in making this world habitable.

Let our world be safe, let the earth's climate be normal and let the level of pollution be controlled, this is the expectation of all of us.

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Thanks all.

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