7 habits that will improve your life in (power up 100%)steemCreated with Sketch.

in LifeStyle3 years ago (edited)


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Sometimes it can seem like life is bad on all fronts: your work is stagnant, your personal life is unsuccessful, and your personal physical and mental health has been neglected. You are not achieving your goals or you are not meeting your potential and as a result, you are not happy. First, know that this happens to everyone, you are not alone. You should also know that this does not have to be your life, you can change it. You can improve yourself. It will take a lot of work, a lot of courage, and a lot of determination, but if you keep going and believe in yourself, you will achieve your goals and you will be the best version of yourself. Here are some good habits to improve your life in the new year, to help you reach your goals when it is difficult to continue.

Stop sacrificing what you want most for what you want right now,

It would be wonderful to relax, watch a movie or show, meet a friend for dinner, etc. instead of working longer on a project that needs attention, going to the gym, making dinner at home, etc. Instant gratification is alluring and satisfying, but not when it's at the expense of long-term goals, especially goals that will help build your self-esteem and help you move toward your goals. Stop sacrificing substantive happiness, which will bring you constant and lasting joy for superficial and momentary happiness, which will quickly fade and ultimately spread unhappiness.

Stop making excuses

If you are looking for a reason/excuse not to do the right thing, you are sure to find one. Part of taking ownership of your life and reflecting on how you got into an unhappy state is understanding how you're allowing your bad decisions. It is usually with excuses, like if you are tired or do not have time when you are not making time, you will do it tomorrow, etc. Stop making excuses and start owning your life and striving to make things work. Happiness doesn't fall into your lap, it takes work like everything else. So get out of your own way and stop making excuses.

Stop taking things personally

When someone makes a comment, gives unsolicited advice, or treats them badly, unless you've done something to deserve a reaction, the comment is likely to say more about the commenter than it does about you. Don't let people put you off or tell you who you are when they're not around you. Keep moving forward, take advantage of your progress, and don't let people discourage you. Not just because you need to stay focused and because what they said is probably not true and doesn't matter, but because, most of all, it wasn't really about you in the first place.


If you need to feel better right now, change your clothes and get some exercise. Endorphins make you happy; they release stress and help clear your mind. If you want some perspective, exercise first and then review the topic. Your emotions will likely stabilize, your mind will sharpen, and you will have less anxiety than before doing some exercise. So if you panic and feel overwhelmed by whatever you may have faced, try to see if you can get some exercise before making up your mind. You will make a less reactive decision and more based on reason than emotion.

Eliminate distractions

If you waste a lot of time staring at multiple screens, constantly checking social media, or mindlessly doing things on your phone, start to control those habits and change them. Whatever your distraction, start managing it so you can be more productive and stop wasting time.

Stop playing the victim

You are not a victim of all whims and circumstances, you have some control over your life at any given time. It's about how you exercise that control that determines whether you change your circumstances. Stop resisting responsibility for your life, because the sooner you take ownership of it and stop blaming others, the more autonomy you have, you start to get the job done, and therefore you start to progress.

Face Fear

Any tremendously successful person has failed, sometimes on a massive and humiliating scale. No one who succeeds will ever judge you for failing, so start gathering your courage and stop being afraid of working hard and failing. The only people who will judge you are people who have not failed themselves, usually because they have made incredibly safe decisions. So face your fears, stop being afraid of failure, and get the job done. Doing the job is the way to gather courage and begin to progress to become your best self.

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