SEC17/W5|Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible Indialast month

Reincarnation: Reliving or Restarting?


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Hey everyone welcome to this contest so today i want to write this article to share my views on rebirth. Well i totally believe it is true .

I can totally feel there is someone who is controlling our body.Reincarnation is totally religious believe that after death of human body its soul left the body and begin the new life with new body. It is not scientifically proven but yes people use to believe this.Some things can only be known through experience and no one want to experience it right.

The Cycle of Lives: A Journey of Learning or a Race to the Finish Line?


My nephew

There are many theories of reincarnation. Some see it as a journey of the soul, evolving through lifetimes, accumulating knowledge and experiences. I believe that our new life is based on the karma we do in our previous life. Good deeds and positive choices give the way for a more fortunate rebirth, while negativity might lead to a more challenging life.

Some people see reincarnation like a never-ending merry-go-round ride. They believe the real goal is to get off the ride and attain 'moksha' the happy state instead of going round and round forever.

Familiar Faces in a New World: Reconnecting with Loved Ones

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The another reason that make it more fascinating is the idea of reuniting with our loved ones. Imagine meeting your grandparents or soulmates all over again, picking up connections that go beyond lifetimes.

However, others question the nature of these reunions. Would we recognize our loved ones in a new life? Would our souls retain the memories of past bonds? Perhaps the connections we make in new lives hold an equal, if not greater, significance.

Choosing Your Path: Taking the Familiar or Embracing the Unknown?

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I would love to reborn with same body ,same family and same home but with different personality.

Those who cherish their lives and the people in it might find the idea of being reborn with their loved ones is very attractive. If we get chance to build upon the experiences and create something even more fulfilling could be a powerful motivator.

However, for those facing hardship or struggling to find their place in the world, the idea of reborn with different body different personality will be more attractive. The chance to be born with a different set of circumstances, talents, or challenges could be a welcome opportunity.

Ultimately, Unexplored Territory

The idea of being reborn after death is interesting. Many people believe this, even though science can not prove it. Reincarnation makes people think about life after we die and all the amazing things that could happen. It's a way to imagine life being much bigger than just our one body.

I will invite some of my friends to take participate in this beautiful contest @jyoti-thelight @pea07 @wilmer1988

Thank you


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 last month 
  • কমিউনিটির পক্ষ থেকে আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ জানাই প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য।

  • পুনর্জন্ম নিয়ে মানুষের জানার আগ্রহের শেষ নেই আর এই বিষয়ে একেকজনের একেক মত রয়েছে। আপনি ঠিকই বলেছেন, ভালো কাজের ফলস্বরূপ সৃষ্টিকর্তা আমাদের উপযুক্ত পুনর্জন্ম প্রদান করেন। পুনর্জন্মের মাধ্যমে আমাদের প্রিয়জনের সাথে আবারও সাক্ষাৎ এর সুযোগ তৈরি হয়।

  • আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল। ভালো থাকবেন।

 last month 

Saludos amigo todavía hay personas que se niegan a creer en la reencarnación porque es algo que no está comprobado científicamente, pero que si nos fijamos en la parte religiosa se podra comprobar que hay hechos que lo comprueban
Sería maravilloso poder reencarnar te gustaría que fuese con tu misma familia pero tener otra personalidad

 last month 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Me cuesta tanto trabajo creen en la reencarnación que, ni siquiera viéndole ese toque fascinante me parece posible y, suelo ser muy respetuosa con las personas que tienen esta creencia pero, la vida es una sola y, nuestro ciclo biológico es imposible de alterar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


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Our Sanatan Dharma is special in itself. Scientist have told that it is impossible to create or destroy energy. In the same way, it is difficult to understand the process after death an soul follows.
But one will surely understand if he gets basic teaching of our Dharma.
Thank you

well explained

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