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RE: SEC17/W3|¡Las experiencias vienen con la edad o las circunstancias

Your understanding about experiences and maturity is correct. Each event in our lives leaves us with lesson, Your example of people who saying "so-and-so is very mature for his age or this child is very mature" because they have had to live through challenging periods that have forced them to mature is a great picture of this.

Although maturity is not just about the age, but about the mental, emotional, and social capabilities to face life task & responsibilities. And learning is a lifelong process that can happen at any age and stage of life, through experiences and circumstances. Keep learning, and sharing your thoughts with us!

I wish you good luck for your participation 🍀❤️😀.

 last month 

Hola amiga, gracias por tu apoyo.
Nunca dejamos de aprender, lo hacemos a cada instante con las situaciones que nos presenta la vida, con las relaciones con los demás y con la relación con nosotros mismos, vivimos en constante aprendizaje.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito.

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