Steemit Engagement Challenge Contest 1 | Business review in your city- | Gold mark pakistan karachi|

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)


Asalam o alaikum;

Hy steemians this is my first post in steempreneurship community, the community truly engage an amazing contest while reading i feel to post my cousin's shop who is doing a business in our local area from Pakistan karachi. So lets get explore his shop items and means of business.

My cousin name is Asher he is a teenager and yet he always having an business mind sett though after completing higher education he decided to open his shop in GOLD MARK situated in Pakistan karachi all along near saddar but had a drive of 0.5 km. As saddar is very known and ancient market of Pakistan just for that i bench marked.

Means of bussines:

The bussines is all about ladies stuff including variety of clothes, markup and other cosmetic items. The business started by partnership my cousin and his friend started ultimately the bussines was running well but due to COVID the markets and areas are suffered by lockdown this made them in huge losses then partnership was no longer sustained and my cousin decided to open a sperate market.

So from there he still survived in those worst conditions but now alhamdulilah he is having good collections of clothes with famous goodwill. You can visit the market from the logo and location given below.



Previewing bussines:

The shop number and phone numbers you can see below to engage with him. The bussines deals retail store where you can only find ladies variety and cosmetics.


The market is just situated in the heart of gold mark where you can get variety of clothes having stitch and and unstitch suits. You can see below how wonderful variety of clothes are there.


Above them i liked these two and it was just random though i asked my cousin to take them home for my sister and mother's whether they like or not. As these were casual suits you can also get variety of suits. As these were simple in design thats why for just casual wearing i selected them.


Here below you can see these were i told him to pack and there price is 15 steem almost 1500 RS pakistani while there were many suits having different rates.


These suits are also very beautiful there were many colours i selected packed them to show my mother how much variety is there then they will select as they want and next i will take them to there to choose what they want its better.

While the price is starting from 9 steems to 30 steems maximum while if are ordering some special samples then the price will be decide as per the means of variety you want. Also you can shop them by physical Shopping or online by making delivery, the delivery charges and electronic payment you can call them by using the number (03467757517).

All pictures are taken from my own mobile

Conclusion :

So this bussines is owned by cousine hope you guys enjoyed while reading my diary any questions relating purchasing of suits and cosmetics can contact me by using the number i provided.

 2 years ago 

Seen very beautiful dresses available there. Hopefully many local steemians will come to your cousin's place of business.

I hope you also use SP to support other users on the platform.

Team verification results :
Verified userYES
Beneficiaries 20%NO
Voting CSI?

Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck @salemumar5

 2 years ago 

What is that voting csi ?

 2 years ago (edited)

Percentage of SP usage in providing support to other users. We sincerely hope that you will also give a positive voice to other uses in the community.

You can find it at

 2 years ago 

It is a good business that his cousin has, since the ladies are looking for this type of merchandise, although the covid-19 affected many businesses, they are closer to being normal.

I see the prices in Steen as accessible, they should work with shipments and payments in Steem, it would be very profitable for you. Successes.

 2 years ago 

Thank you @salemumar5 for your participation and contribution to the success of the "Steemit Engagement Challenge" Program initiated the Steemit Team by participating in the Steem Business Contest from the Steem Entrepreneurs Community

May success be with you in life and steem on!

 2 years ago 

Thank you for supporting..

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