Social engineering, capillary discrimination.

in Deep Diveslast month

Social engineering, capillary discrimination.


What I am going to tell you may make you laugh, but the moment you know where the shots are going, the smile will still disappear from your mouth, because beyond laughing and taking in the anecdote, what is hidden is a fundamental piece in the social engineering that these people are carrying out.

And it is hair discrimination, you can laugh, but I'm only joking, what I'm telling you is not a fake, it's not a joke, it's not December 28, it's the French Senate that is preparing a bill in which It will address hair discrimination, we already know that Macron is a puppet of the world economic forum and he is there for something and we are already seeing where we are going towards social engineering because what is hair discrimination.

That they discriminate against me because I have pink, purple or blue hair, for being bald, for wearing a cap or for having a receding hairline, no, no, the capillarity that interests us is a very specific one, hair known as afro hair, because it seems to be that they have found a problem, they have looked for a problem or they have created a problem, they have taken it upon themselves, that some study says that people who have or wear afro hair have more difficulties finding a job.

And here is the trap, you see where we are going, we use problems or create problems to provide the solutions that suit us, now it turns out that you can be discriminated against because of your afro hair and this means that if we recognize discrimination we will have no choice but to remedy this discrimination and what is normally done when someone has fewer opportunities to access a job, they are favored.

I am going to give an example, but in this case it is an example of Justice, what is normal, well it is normal if there is a disabled person, positions are created for them, in the competitive examinations, in favorable access to work so that they can work, with that same idea It is beginning to be applied to all groups that are interested in social engineering.

We have seen how they want to favor the trans community, in access to jobs, to women for a long time, but now people who are discriminated against due to capillarity, in other words, we are going to give advantages to access to jobs for women. Afro-haired people who come mainly from Africa, as their name suggests.

This means that if I go to a job interview where I am and a person with afro hair and they do not hire the person with afro hair because they do not have the profile that the company demands, this person can say "they did not hire me." because I have afro hair", "they have discriminated against me" I have suffered discrimination with which, when faced with two candidates, as one has afro hair and the other does not, problems of signaling will take precedence over the real capacity of the candidate and this brought to the Extreme would be to facilitate, promote or incentivize companies and public organizations to hire people who suffer capital discrimination.

Hair discrimination is only going to benefit some, what happens, they don't hire me because I'm bald, I have to remain unemployed, if I go to a job interview with blue hair and they don't hire me, is it fair, or the hair shaven; hair discrimination in which the group of those who have afro hair is expressly mentioned, social engineering at full speed is what we are suffering, let everyone draw their own conclusions.


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