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RE: Amazing Nature- Insect Mating Pair Series- Part One: Red Milkweed Beetle

in Amazing Nature4 years ago

Such a worthy article. I learned so much.
Beetles that squeak? Beetles that purr?

And the photos are brilliant.
Why don't you add a SteemSTEM tag to this post? It is so rich with information.

I have resteemed.

Looking forward to the follow up posts.
With respect, and admiration,
Your friend, AG


Thanks so much AG! I am excited and happy to know that you learned something from me. Thank you for always supporting and encouraging me, and thanks for resteeming. Hugs!

I just don't feel right using SteemSTEM as one of my tags. I feel like it makes me look like I am begging them. They have found me before without me using it. But I do appreciate you wanting to help. : )

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