Splinterlands Weekly Challenge

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,

Thanks to @splinterlands team for coming up with yet another Weekly Challenge.

This time, the challenge is to win a battle with a death monster Undead Minotaur.


About Undead Minotaur:


One of the rarely used death splinter monster and is a common death monster.

Levelwise Abilities, Attack and other stats:


**As we can see in above screenshot, this mosnter has 2 abilities viz. Double Strike and Retaliate and comes with different melee attack and speed along with health.

Double Strike allows the monster to attack opponent's monster 2 times in a row in each round.

Retaliate makes it to have a chance to attack back when it's been attacked by a melee monster.

As we can see above, it can have 1, 2 and 3 melee attack at different levels, also can vary in speed and life as the level increases.

About the battle:

I got to battle with a 27 mana and the battle type was Super sneak along with Broken Arrows.


My monsters lineup:

Lord of Darkness was my first monster to have a go at front monster of opponent. I used this because of it's armors and expand ability.

Haunted Spirit was my front monster at second line attack to have a go in case Lord of Darkness loses it's life. But, this also gave an able support to Super sneak with it's 3 melee attack.

Third in line was Undead Minotaur for it's abilities of Double Strike as I have a level 4 card only and miss that Retaliate option for this.

Skeletal Assasin was next since it can give a 2 melee attack among my remaining cards.

Creeping Ooze I used for it's slowdown ability and also since it can give 1 melee attack.

Last on the line was Cocatrice hoping it can evade few melee attacks like we know about it since it has Flying ability.

That's my lineup and opponent battle had used a water splinter with monsters Sea Monster, Crustacean King, Sea Genie, Medusa, Enchanted Pixie and lastly Furious Chicken.

If we see the opponent's cards, it was a fairly easy lineup for a Super Sneak battle and the fact that he had all monsters with either 1 or 2 speed made it easy for me and as Creeping Ooze will reduce the speed of those having 2 to 1 and all his cards even before the battle were destined to attack last with single speed.


Although the mana cap was 27 and all six monster slots were utlized by both players, it's the speed of monsters, which made the battle to end in just 2 rounds and that was really a surprising one for me.

Round 1:

Round 1 saw opponent's 4 backline monsters Furious Chicken, Enchanted Pixie, Medusa and Sea Genie in that order were removed even before the first attack from opponent courtesy of speed (not that I had huge speeds for each monsters) and round 1 ended with Lord of Darkness attacking Sea Monster and vice versa followed by healing of Crustacean King.

Not to forget the double strike of Undead Minotaur to remove Medusa.

Cards at the end of Round 1 are:


Round 2:

As soon as round 2 started, Skeleton Assasin took out the Crustacean King and Sea Monster got to battle it out my 6 monsters.

but it was removed even before it could attack for second time again courtesy of speed of my cards.

Fairly easy battle (apologies to @splinterlands team for this contest if that makes it a very easy battle, but couldn't help).

I won!!!


Thanks for reading.


Great post!
But you forgot to include a link to your battle. 😭 You should edit and add it ... and add your referral link while you're at it. I give you upvote love hoping next time you remember. 😘

Ah, my bad madam.

I will ensure I include both from next post onwards.

Thank you :)

I just updated the details as required, @carrieallen and I will ensure I include those details everytime.

Have a good day :)

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