All Time Favorite Tortang Talong ( Eggplant Omelet )

in Steeming Community3 years ago

30% payout to @steemingcuration


Hi Steemingzen! It's been a while. How are you all doing today? I just want to share with you one of those foods that I can never resist eating.

I guess all of us have already seen an eggplant. Have you all heard that eggplant is technically regarded as berries? However, when it is cooked it is considered as vegetable. Crazy, right?

In my country, eggplants can grow anywhere. They grow in hot places or places with high temperature. The said vegetable can be cooked in several different ways, but for me? I love it when fried, sautéed and most specially when it is made omelet.

Tortang Talong or Eggplant Omelet is one of those known dishes in the Philippines. It has been my all time favorite and I usually prepare this dish specially when cravings strikes.


Yesterday, when I went to the wet market, I saw a few healthy and very purple eggplant which makes me think of making eggplant omelet for our dinner. Its ingredients can easily be found in our place and the steps in making it are just simple and easy.




  • two large sized eggs
  • tomato
  • onion
  • salt
  • pepper
  • a scoop of sugar
  • oil for frying



  • Before frying, you first need to cook the eggplant either by grilling or boiling them.
  • Once it is already tender, you can then remove its skin. It is then ready for frying.
  • In a bowl, you can just combine the eggs, tomato and onion sliced into very small cubes then add sugar, black pepper and salt to taste.
  • Dip the eggplant into the egg mixture and fry.
  • Frying only takes 2-3 minutes for every eggplant. If you have a bigger frying pan then that is much better as you can cook more eggplant omelet at a time.

I love my eggplant Omelet dipped in soy sauce with vinegar, tomato, lemon and onion. It is also best paired with white rice. This indeed satisfied my cravings but whenever I see these pics , it makes me crave for it again.


This is it for this post for now. I wish you all have a great day. Special thanks to the admin and mods who continue to work hard to make this community and Steemit a better place.

 3 years ago 

Paborito jud nako ni ma'am.

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