Picnics are good for strengthen family Bondings??? ** by @ishayachris

in Steem Kids & Parents3 months ago


Greetings to the amazing steemians in the house. It's yet another beautiful and amazing opportunity to share my experience and the benefits of picnics in family bonding. Before I proceed, I would love to appreciate @uzma4882 for coming up with this topic to make us reflect on our past experiences and how it has helped to unite us more as a family.

After seeing this contest, my mind took back to 2014. It is a year that will forever remain young in my mind because it ended with a lot of good memories. I remember us leaving home on the 26th Dec 2014 for a picnic in the Yankari game reserve in Bauchi state, Nigeria.

Before the joining, time seems to have stopped. 1 day seems to be longer than a week. We were eager for the day to arrive to embark on the picnic as it was something we were to experience for the first time. As we were waiting for D-day, my mum made sure to put everything in place so as not to forget anything behind.

Instead of the normal juice sold in stores, she made us fruit juice using mango, orange, pineapple, and some other necessary fruits needed to make it delicious. As for the rice, it remains the best I have eaten in many years. I can't stop imagining how yummy it was. Trust me, she is the best chef I know. The meat and the fish were wow.

Finally, the day arrived and the joining began at exactly 8:00 am. We moved and moved, but the joining seemed endless. Every minute seemed like an hour, while an hour appeared to be a day. The aroma of mummy's rice and meat from the boot of the car was alarming. On my mind, I was calculating how much I would eat and enjoy that delicacy..


To the Glory of God, we arrived the venue at exactly 2:15 pm. The place was full with crowd as many family were there to create memories with their family member. Before we could go around the places, we eta and drank mummy's yummy meal. After that, we went to swim, ride on horses, and many more funny activities. It was just the best moment we had as a family.

Talking about the importance of the picnic to us, it will be an understatement to tell you that it united us together as a family. it made us see each other as 1. It bonded us in love. The problem of each of us became a problem of all. The respect we have for each other grew beyond measures. We got to understand more that truly, we are the blood of each other.

I now invite @dave-hanny, @josepha, and @mjerry to participate.



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 3 months ago 

Picnics brings great unity to our relationships not just with family alone but also with our friends. I would say we go for picnics more often if we want to build healthy relationships.


Nice write up
I'm sure you had an amazing day 😁
It looked like your day was less stressful and that's really good
I hope to see more amazing content from you ☺️

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