SEC17 WK:#2: Your family and leisure activities

in Steem Kids & Parents2 months ago

It feels good to be here to share my thoughts on this contest topic. This contest is indeed a well thought out one and of course it sound interesting and engaging. Let's get into it as I share my two cents in line with the topic. I really do hope you find it interesting.

What's is leisure

Leisure in my layman's definition simply means a time taken off our daily activities to relax, rest and have fun. Some consider it as a time off work, more like a break time to catch up with fun filled activities. It's such a crucial time even though it seems like what we do during leisure seem not to be something serious and productive but then it matter so much to our spirit, soul and body.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This is a statement I learnt early while growing that there should be time to unwind especially for kids. This time should be captures in the learning curriculum for children. This ideology is also what forms that of leisure which is both healthy for adults and children.

My family's view of leisure activities

My family believes so much in leisure but then that must be after you've done what is expected of you as a member of the family. One of the challenges I had as a kid while growing up with my parent was that of misplace priority or activities. They are never against me and my siblings having fun but then they get mad at us when we have fun at the expense of the chores in the home.


You should have done at least a substantial part of the chores if not all before engaging in other forms of activities that will make you feel good. We have been scolded many times for misplacing our priority as kid along this line and over time we have learnt how they want us to run the things around the home and how our leisure time can be integrated into it.


In a nutshell, we believe so much in leisure as a family but not at the expense of important things to be done. I saw an inscription somewhere sometimes ago, it seems like some inscription for retirees but then, I think it kinda relevant for this topic. It says rest is sweet after work. This seems to be the method in my home.

How we enjoy our leisure as family

Times have indeed changed, we all were together when we were much younger with less pursuit and ambition. We would have a kind of round table discussion, laughing and gisting. You know at this point no one is thinking of a task to be done, we are all relaxed. My siblings and I would be asking questions from our parent and sit back to hear their thrilling responses.

This moment together is like heaven to us, we keep discussing and jumping from one topic to the other, rubbing minds and learning. Mum on the other hand always have something on the fire at those moments with which we can refresh with...and when it's ready, we continue the interesting discussion over the meal...


Fast forward to today...we are no more together in the home, some of my siblings including myself are out, in pursuit of dreams and ambitions. Some in school, one of us have been married off and just one left at home with my parent . Now the only time we enjoy that kind of moment is during Christmas and New year season when all of us have to find our way back and have a good time again as family.


Leisure is a time we have to include into our routine, it brings balance to all our activities in totalty and I would say it's like a therapy to the body and soul. The sould begin to fall sick and unhealthy when it's not been fed as well.

If only what we know to use the body for is work and work and then the soul (mind) to think about work and all...then we are not doing ourselves good. There should be a break time off work where one can really relax and have a good time. The body needs it.
Thanks for coming this far with me. I hope you enjoyed every just before I go, i would love to invite @josepha @adylinah @rakiya this contest.




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 2 months ago 

Thanks for the support...

 2 months ago 

Leisure time is very important as it is the time that we can use to rest and strategies ourselves for better production. Without Leisure time, most of us would not be having time with our loved ones. It is good to read your post sir. I wish you success.

 2 months ago 

You're very correct boss... Most time our leisure are spent with our loved ones. We really need to create time to bond well with them.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

To tell you the truth, your parents loves you that's why they scolded you. It's better completing chores in the house before engaging in any activities during our leisure time. I can imagine the happiness of gisting with your family, while food is on fire. The gist will be heartwarming and touching, i can remember i had the same experience. Leisure activities is what we should partake in no matter our time at work. Even the Bible says, that work and no play is like chasing a shadow.

 2 months ago 

Smiles... It was really something we took serious at home not to major on minor things at the expense of the major things. Thanks for the engagement. It's much appreciated.

 2 months ago 

Leisure time is very important to our body and mind.
Your parent is right in making sure you are done with chores before getting into leisure activities that is why it's called free time to relax.
Even adults have leisure activities after their daily activities which are the same as chores you carry out as children.
In your family your leisure time is entertaining. Best of luck with the contest.

 2 months ago 

Thanks so much dear...I appreciate the fact that you see from lens. Thanks for the engagement.

 2 months ago 

Hello @lhorgic! It would be great to hear about your family's perspective on free time and how you integrate it into your life. Finding a balance between work and relaxation is essential for overall well-being. It's heartwarming to hear about the precious moments you share with your family, especially during the holidays. Continue to maintain that connection and enjoy precious moments together! Good luck in the contest!g those connections and enjoying those precious moments together! Best of luck in the contest!

 2 months ago 

I agree there are too few families which wouldn't want to go for leisurely trips with their loved ones. So I see you have a true vision about this concept and follow it fully. My best wishes for the trips ahead.

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