SEC17 WK#3: large and small families, likes and dislikes | Special study on extended family happiness and its twists and turns

in Steem Kids & Parents29 days ago

Hello friends, on this occasion I would like to share my views on family.

Personal documents, images have been archived on social media Instagram @miftahulrizky_suha

In general, married couples plan for one, two or three children. There are people who like big families and there are those who plan to have a small family. Which one is the best choice in your opinion! Please write in the comments section.

At the beginning of our marriage, my wife and I planned to have five children, but after 3 years of marriage there is no sign that we will soon have a baby, humans can plan but God wills.

# 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The beauty of having many children

Before we hear all the opinions, let's read some of my views on the ideal family size and which is more fun between a big family and a small family. In my opinion, having many children or a big family is more fun and makes life more colorful and happy. Why is that?

I have listened to many couples' reasons for having many children, so I can draw the same conclusion that the reason they have many children is because it is happiness and a source of sustenance.

Personal documents, images have been archived on social media Facebook Miftahul Rizky.

The more children in the house, the more fun and colorful it will be, and we will not feel lonely until we grow old.

Because someday when the child has grown up he will leave home to build his own little family. The departure of some children will certainly not make us feel sad and lonely because there are still other children who accompany our lives at home.

Likewise, when carrying out vacation moments, it will be more fun and exhilarating if you have a family that is compact, exciting and more crowded. Holidays will feel more beautiful because having many children with different behaviors will create unique and more fun things.

Another fact that makes the reason for having many children is that if unwanted things happen, such as experiencing a disaster due to illness or due to an accident and our child dies, of course we still have other children who can entertain and decorate beautiful days together. Hopefully, something like this will not happen to our family.

Likewise, when children grow up and get a job, some become wealthy entrepreneurs, some become lawyers, some become officials in the government, some become policemen, some become beauty doctors, of course all the income from the work obtained by children to make their parents and family happy.

# 🤯 Concerns about having many children


But there are some things that actually make us worry if we have many children. The more children the higher the cost of living needed, education costs, living costs, fashion, and other unexpected costs. Especially considering that everything is expensive nowadays.

The problem of financial sufficiency is not the only reason to cancel the intention of having many children, because I have also seen many couples who have 5 children living in happiness and simplicity. That's why it's important that we always teach our children gratitude and simple living.

But on the other hand, if we all feel that we already have a decent job so that we don't feel burdened with financial problems then why should we delay having many children? In fact, if life is sufficient, this program of having many children should be planned.

Another problem that becomes more difficult is how to take the time and give fair attention to each child, do not let them lack attention and affection from their parents because they are busy working. Children who lack parental love and attention are just like the lives of orphaned children, they will find it more difficult to undergo the challenges of this life.

Another thing that needs attention and concern is if the father and mother die first so that the child will become an orphan and an orphan. Who will provide for them in the future. Have the parents saved enough assets, if the assets left behind are sufficient, do the children have the knowledge to be able to manage them properly.

The next issue that needs to be noted when having many children is how to raise them, I listened to the opinions of some friends that they chose to have many children when they were young, later when they were old they just wanted to focus on enjoying their old age.

I realize this issue is important, because I also see some couples who in old age still take care of babies, this makes the couple more tired and unable to rest in old age because taking care of babies requires extra energy.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @sohanurrahman, @fantvwiki, @chant @fadia

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky


There are people who like big families and there are those who plan to have a small family. Which one is the best choice in your opinion!

It's a tough decision, isn't it? I think it really depends on each family's situation and preferences. My grandparents, for example, loved having a big family of 8 kids, while my parents preferred a smaller one (3 kods)for more focused attention and so did I. It's all about finding what works best for you and your loved ones. Isn't it ?

The more children in the house, the more fun and colorful it will be, and we will not feel lonely until we grow old.

That's such a heartwarming sentiment. I remember in my childhood, growing up with siblings and cousins around. There was always laughter and joy filling our home. Even now, as adults, those memories bring warmth to our hearts.

But on the other hand, if we all feel that we already have a decent job so that we don't feel burdened with financial problems then why should we delay having many children?

Balancing financial stability with the desire for a larger family is indeed a challenge. My parents used to discuss this when I was younger. They wanted to provide well for us and I too follow same principle. It's about finding that sweet spot where we feel comfortable and ready to embrace the joys and responsibilities of parenthood.

Good luck

Senang rasanya anda membaca seluruh isi postingan ini, kakek nenek saya juga memiliki keluarga besar dengan jumlah anak mereka 12 orang, kita sebagai manusia bisa merencanakan tapi Tuhan yang berkehendak.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Sebuah pandangan dan pendapat yang sangat bagus dari anda tentang kesukaan keluarga kecil atau keluarga besar.
Semoga anda mendapatkan hasil yang baik dari kontes ini.
Salam hormat saya untuk anda.

Salam hormat kembali, saya menunggu anda berpartisipasi dalam kontes ini, semakin banyak berpartisipasi dalam kontes besar kesempatan untuk mendapatkan hadiah yang lebih besar, lalu jangan lupa untuk terus melakukan power up.

Baik, saya juga akan berpartisipasi, setiap saran dan masukan dari anda akan selalu menjadi perhatian saya, terimakasih atas bimbingannya.

Because someday when the child has grown up he will leave home to build his own little family. The departure of some children will certainly not make us feel sad and lonely because there are still other children who accompany our lives at home.

কথাটি ভালো লেগেছে ভাই। আসলে এটাই বাস্তবতা। অধিক সন্তানের অনেক মজা আছে। একটা পরিবারকে প্রানবন্ত রাখতে পারে অধিক সন্তান। ধরুন একটি সন্তান বিয়ে করে পারি দিয়েছে। তাহলে বৃদ্ধ মাবাবাকে কে দেখবে? আবার দেখা যায় কম সন্তানের দ্বারা অপর সন্তান একাকী ভাবে জীবন যাপন করে। ভাইদের ভালোবাসা আর বোনদের ভালোবাসার ছোয়া পায়না।

এসব দিয়ে লক্ষ করলে আসলেই বড় পরিবার বা অধিক সন্তান ভালো। আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি পোস্ট লেখার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন। আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল।

Saya senang anda membaca postingan ini, jika anda menyukai keluarga besar bolehkah saya tau anda sudah memiliki berapa banyak keluarga? Jika anda masih bertahan dengan keluarga kecil mari terus berusaha wujudkan keluarga impian anda. Hehe. Salam sukses untuk anda.


Hello @miftahulrizky, what a great post. That sounds like you've heard some beautiful perspectives from couples about the joy and fulfillment that a larger family can bring. Having more children can definitely create a lively, bustling home full of energy and love. It seems like many people value the sense of togetherness and lasting connection that comes with raising a big family. Keep it up bro 👍👍

saya senang memiliki keluarga besar, menurut saya kebersamaan akan memunculkan keindahan yang luar biasa. sama seperti hari ini kita telah mengundang banyak orang di platform steemit saya tidak ingin kesepian dalam platform steemit.

I like it very much. Your family is very very dear. May Allah bless you with the same kind of people and always smile like this among your loved ones.

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