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RE: Childhood Classics: RuneScape (vol.1)

in Steem Gaming4 years ago

I only played it about 1 to 2 years ago. I was quite shocked at how active it still was. It was alright but I was not willing to spend the kind of time a game like that requires to get anywhere.

If I had kept at it I would still be mining. I found that rather relaxing when the area was not overcrowded and people where fighting over mining spots.


Well, if you don't have the time to grind on your PC / laptop, there's always an option to grind while standing in queues or waiting for someone / something - Old School RuneScape is also playable on mobile now (they have an app). [insert mild evil laughter]

The overcrowdedness really was a problem, not only in mining areas but also near trees and fishing spots. And most of the crowd weren't even people actually playing but bots!

I sure did notice the bots!

It was fun for a little while. I just have to many games to get around to enjoying.

Oh, right.
I have quite a few on my Steam library aswell (well, not as many as some people do) and haven't played even a quarter of them, I think. Gotta get to it some time. XD


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