SEC S17W5: The Diary Game (30/04/2024): "The ways of life".



Good evening steemians
. Am finally creating my entry for this engagement today and am so happy about this. Life isn't easy at all but we try our best everyday to survive, at a young age I have really being through alot and I believe everything will be ok soon. All I can do now is to pray, have faith and keep on working hard till that day God fully blesses me. I want to talk about last week Tuesday which was a very busy day for me but I really enjoyed that day even with the stress I passed through.

Morning Activities

I woke early that day before 5am ans I began to blog in steemit and after that I replied to few messages on my various social media platforms account, as soon as the sun came, I went to our backyard and did few workouts activities, it wasn't easy at all but I kept on doing it for more than 30 minutes because is for my own good and I didn't give up, I did push-ups, sit-ups and others and I drank water immediately I was done. After sometime I then took pictures of myself.



I went inside the house and checked few of my messages on WhatsApp before I took my bath and ate breakfast, I couldn't much domestic activities that morning because I was going to school for WAEC practical class, am rewriting WAEC again this year and am not happy about this but such is life, I have to manage situation. I went to school and took some pictures on my way to school that morning.

Afternoon Activities

We did practical on simple pendulum in physics and it was a very nice practical as that's my best physics practical. We also did Biology practical and they rat we used as a specimen was quite big 🤣. The classes were amazing and the lessons ended so I began to go home so that I can do some other things. It was really sunny that afternoon. I arrived home and began to blog in steemit for 2 hours then I called upon my younger sister who was on her off from work that day, to take pictures of me.




I have always wanted to take pictures with my black steemit polo since exams hasn't given me the opportunity to wear it to some kind places though I have won it to church before. That afternoon period was a time for Photography because I took so many pictures that day. I have taken pictures with my black steemit polo before but I forgot to snap the back that's why I decided to snap again that day.


The sun was very hot but I didn't mind, I did different pose and I finally got tired 🤣 and went inside the house with my sister then I looked at the pictures and they are all good, you are seeing them and am sure you are also convinced that the pictures I took are all amazing. I began to do some certain things that afternoon at home.

Evening/Night Activities

Life isn't easy and I always hope for the best. My father said he needs money to settle few bills because two of the schools he's teaching hasn't paid him his salary and he really needs money do some important things so I had no option but to give him the money I withdrew from steemit 😓. I always withdraw some of my steemit earning every week because i use it to support my parents financially as they are just teachers who doesn't get better salary.

I find myself thinking everyday on how I can grow bigger in steemit but I believe everything will be ok. Here in steemit I always explore different communities and authors so that I can learn new things and I do stay awake throughout the night almost every day and I try my best to ensure I never stop praying to God to bless my parents financially so that I won't be withdrawing 50% of my steemit earnings to give them.


Steemit is a very nice place and this platform has really saved me from so many things I will never forget. I ate rice very late in the night by 11pm because I was busy creating a post in steemit though I wasn't very hungry. Immediately I finished eating I began to review some posts in Steem for Pakistan community. So many steemians now post without **Ai and that's impressive, very soon all the bad writers in steemit will change for good. Immediately I finished the next day which was 3am I slept late again 😓😓.

I invite @wakeupkitty.pal, @dove11, @patjewell and @josepha to participate in this contest.

All Images legally belongs to me!



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

I like it,

Life isn't easy and I always hope for the best.

And I want to add just don't keep for the best but go grab it but hope increases your expectations. If you wish to see them come true, go ahead and catch them from the color and I can see you're doing the same.

Definitely sir, yh I won't just hope for it, anyway have been working very hard for it sir. The best is always the best.

Thanks for your quick comment, am so grateful 🙏


Good evening!I'm pleased to hear that you’re letting us in on your trip; it’s quite cool. Biologically speaking, life is a tough challenge full of various obstacles, but you are the one who outshines recognizing your strengths.

Even if you goes through all the struggles at a young age, the fact that you still have the attitude of optimism and are solidly convinced that you will have a bright future in the future is the thing that makes you amazing.

The way you are seeing things and ceaselessly stick to what you start is going to bring you even more positive results in the future. Follow all of your aspirations wherever they may take you:)

You had quite an eventful day. It is very responsible of you that you support your parents with the little you can and your efforts will definitely pay off.

Good afternoon dear, how's your day going? Is good to see your comment in my post once again. Supporting my parents financially has never been easy for me and I pray God bless them more so that I can save alot of money for the future. Have a nice weekend dear.

Exercise is good to the body and is recommendable especially in the morning time. It's quite pity that you are rewriting your WAEC again anywhere this time around you will make pass.

I really admire and love your activeness on steemit blog it not easy my dear. As for your parents God will bless them so that you would be withdrawing your savings here again.

Exercise is good to the body and is recommendable especially in the morning time. It's quite pity that you are rewriting your WAEC again anywhere this time around you will make pass.

I really admire and love your activeness on steemit blog it not easy my dear. As for your parents God will bless them so that you would be withdrawing your savings here again.

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