The ancient Greek god Pan: who is he and what is the relationship with Jesus Christ

in GLOBAL STEEM4 months ago


I continue the story I started about the ancient Greek god Pan

Connection with Jesus Christ

From the work “On the Failure of Oracles” it can be understood that we are talking about an event that occurred in the middle of the 1st century. That is, after the Birth and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. So it turns out that the era of paganism is over. It was replaced by Christianity. That is, monotheism. Here it is worth considering 2 theories of the event.

Hypothesis of historians from Christians

_Theory #1

Some researchers believe that Plutarch was not talking about the god Pan, but about Jesus Christ. After all, for Christians he was everything! The news of the crucifixion of Christ appeared during the reign of Emperor Tiberius. So it turns out that Christians, having heard the news of the death of Jesus Christ, began to cry and scream.

_Theory #2

Other philosophers and historians interpret Plutarch's record somewhat differently. They believe that God died because Jesus Christ was born. So it turns out that the era of polytheism is over. After all, even the god of nature decided to give his place to another God.


The transition from paganism to Christianity was difficult. People had to renounce the faith of their ancestors for the sake of the faith of the future. Many people did not like this. In the second century AD, the geographer Pausanias went to those parts. During his trip to Greece, he noted that local residents continued to worship the ancient deity. Especially in Arcadia.

By the way, Faun was revered in Ancient Rome. The same, God is the patron of nature. Among the Slavs, the god Veles patronized cattle. It’s not for nothing that he was called “the bestial god.” But still, the pantheon of Slavic gods was headed by Perun, the Thunderer. But KrAZ Mother – the Cheese Earth – personified the female image. That is, fertile, birthing land.

By the way, Christianity appeared on Slavic land quite late. From the legends we conclude that the first Christians were princes Askold (died approximately in 882) and Dir. But the Baptism of Rus' took place in 988. That is, almost 9–10 centuries later, after the birth of Jesus Christ. But, this is another topic for discussion.

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