Parents need to keep their children under mental development

in ActnEarn4 years ago

The coronavirus has caused unusual abnormalities in the lives of people around the world. This epidemic has caused various harms and sadness in personal life. Loss, sorrow and grief are very difficult for some people to accept. And how it affects children can be understood by thinking a little deeper. Children who spend half the day in the courtyard of an educational institution are emotionally depressed in situations such as,Such negative news is constantly affecting them. Mothers may never have imagined that they would face such a situation with their children.

According to doctors, coronavirus causes children to think about issues such as anxiety, stress and uncertainty. Children of all ages are thinking about these issues in different ways. Suppose your child is unable to attend a game or have a small picnic with friends because the school is closed.Then make sure your child needs the most support, love and emotional strength to cope with the situation right now. And the global epidemic has created such a situation all over the world. UNICEF fears that children of different ages will be emotionally affected by the coronavirus outbreak. And so they advise parents to be more careful than ever.


UNICEF has made a number of recommendations to ensure that the coronavirus does not impair the mental development of children of different ages.

The agency says that in the current situation, every parent is thinking twice. One is exactly when the coronavirus vaccine will be available. And their second concern is when their children will be able to return to school!

Of course, there should be such worries. But as long as these two questions are not answered, we have to play a responsible role in ensuring the mental development of the children.So today we will discuss what the responsibilities of parents can be towards children under house arrest in this global epidemic as suggested by UNICEF.

    *What to do if the child sees corona symptoms

Due to the variation of seasons, fever, cold and cough are common in our country. Of course, our lives are largely responsible for this. On the other hand, fever, dry cough and sore throat are frequently mentioned as symptoms of coronavirus. The Department of Health says to consult a doctor directly if such symptoms occur. Similar advice is being given not only in Bangladesh but also in other countries of the world.Then the question may come - what should the parents do if the children have such symptoms? UNICEF has suggested a number of approaches.

With the exception of a few countries, the number of coronavirus patients continues to rise. In such a situation, the company is discouraging children to go to the hospital like other times. This is because if the child is not infected with Covid-19, the risk of re-infection will increase by contact with patients already infected.In case of such common fever, cold and cough, there is no problem in taking regular medicine. And if a child is infected with the coronavirus, UNICEF recommends that he or she be treated at home as much as possible. In that case, their argument is also justifiable.


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