in Steem4Nigeria6 months ago




Hello my people good afternoon, today I am going to show you the aI'llluminum flame that I fix in the window.before we are going to put the glass inside the flame. So that it will hold it very well, so before you are going to fix aluminum flame,the aluminum glass man will work it in his shop,so after that he will bring it in the site we're we are working so I will mixed cement and sharp sand together and I will mixed it very well so I will open it and pour water inside it and mixed it together and very well. So after that I will now bring the aluminum flame and fixed it in the window position and arrange it very well and now start putting the cement inside the hole of the block and the corner of thel block.after that I will put both the up and the down of to block so that it will hold it very well so that it will not fall down after that you will leave it so that it will dry very well, before I will come and dress it very well so that it will look so beautiful and nice.






After that engineer now come and look at my work and say that I did a nice work and he say that he is going to give me another work,so I ask him which work is that he say that it is tailing work so my people I will show you my upcoming tailing work very soon so thanks for watching my aluminum flame that I put,so the aluminum man will bring the glass now to come and fix it so that it will look so beautiful .

I use my time to capture this picture so that you people will watch it very well.


Beautiful picture it looks so nice, keep it up

 6 months ago 

It's interesting to know you're just returning back on the platform after being inactive for a while. Your inactivity was due to not getting support which I know. Don't worry, you can actually be successful on steemit of your write the right way of which I can show you how if you're interested.

Kindly DM me on this social media platform

Don't worry about being a Success on Steemit... Your Success is what you can do with your hands and brains... Who are these people who are constantly judging you...???

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