GameStop should now announce they are buying Bitcoin

in GEMS3 years ago

Gamestop has been all the rage on Wall Street, can you imagine if they were to buy Bitcoin next?

In case you don't look at stonks much or traditional finance, I will fill you in.

There has been a massive short squeeze going with the stock of GameStop.

It was trading for around $5 a few months back and is now trading for more than $150.



It looks like it's actually trading over $200 in after hours now, unbelievable.

So, from $5 in August, to $200 in January.

And they say bitcoin is up a lot!

It was up over 3,000% when I first posted about it a few days ago, and now it's up more than that:

Anyways, we need to figure out how to get GameStop to buy bitcoin, it could really squeeze them shorts and give GameStop a ton of capital as well if they were to issue more shares to do it.

Here's the playbook:



So, put $400 million into bitcoin which is most of your cash, then issue billions worth of shares to buy more bitcoin.

You get billions in bitcoin, the stock price goes way higher, and your company has tremendous staying power.

Get in touch with those guys Michael Saylor!


They missed their chance.

They didn't even sell shares.

I read that AMC started selling shares to raise more money.

Hopefully this corporations event brings more companies in.

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