Raise Your Voice.

in GEMS4 years ago


It seems like all is over
As our tears are enough to make a river
Our garments of tranquility has been ripped off
We are naked, we have nothing to clad us

Dear God, remains our daily orisons
As we know HIM alone could deliver us from our prisons
Those we looked up to disappointed us
The people we trusted, made matters worse

Dear God, raise Your voice of peace on our land
Raise Your voice and deliver us from our bondage
Raise Your voice and make us live a life of ease
Dear God, raise Your voice and heal us

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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