Six distinct D's for Alphabet Hunt

in GEMS4 years ago

There are a number of objects, places, living things starting with the letter D and for Alphabet Hunt I am going to submit some of my photos, mostly shot randomly without any prior planning :).

Never mind, better late than never!



This is my neighbour's dog named "Kalu" a common name for an Indian doggy. It is called because of it's black colour, Kala means Kalu haha! I shot this yesterday when returning from school, he was standing in front of my gate and I thought to make him famous in here.

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The raindrops collected on the leaf of sweet potato in our farming area. I took this couple of months earlier on a random rainy day.

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The office desk of our school, clicked yesterday.

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Ducks in our village farmhouse area, I had also made a post on them in the #amazingnature community contest weeks earlier. This was also taken randomly when I was back home from the village market, they looked so beautiful playing there that I couldn't resist myself.


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This is the TP link mini router device to connect multiple devices. I bought it though I rarely use it.

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For the last one I had to thought a bit and with no option had to share my deo with you guys :)

All photos are mine shot by Vivo Y83 Pro

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Thanks for your visit!

I am razeiv,
Short stories writer, an art lover
from NorthEast, India.


Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


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