A Tuslob Buwa Recipe prepared by @jufranketchup | 08-26-2021

in SteemFoods3 years ago (edited)

Good day Steemians!

Today, I want to share with you my experience and my ways on how to cook a tuslob buwa. I hope you like it.

TUSLOB BUWA - this has got to be the very most unique food item that Cebu has to offer to all the food lovers out there. It is very popular dish here in our place, an exotic food that have a mixture of aromatic flavors, spices and of course, the main ingredient is the "pig's brain." It sounds like weird when there is a pig brains in the recipe but once you have tasted it, it is so very delicious and it is perfect combination with "Pusó" (a rice wrapped and boiled in a diamond-shaped casing made of woven coconut leaves) and it also called as hanging rice.


And here's the ingredients and procedures below 👇👇👇


•150 grams pigs brain (In Cebuano: utok sa baboy)

•150 grams pig liver (In Cebuano: atày sa baboy) blender to crush or liver spread.

•5 pieces garlic (minced)

• ½ piece onion (chopped)

•2 pieces chili (chopped)

•Cornstarch diluted with salted pork soup

•Soy sauce

•1 cup of Oil


Add oil in a pan. Wait until it heated.


Put chili, garlic and onion in a heated oil.


Add pig's brain and the blended pork liver, stir continuously.



Then, add the cornstarch diluted with saulted pork soup. Simmer to produce bubbles.



And lastly, add soy sauce and stir continuously until it mix. Wait until it will boil


Turn off the heat. Serve with pusó (hanging rice) and enjoy!

All cost is 120 peso.


This recipe is good for 3-5 person.

Before I end this, I want to share y'all guys what is the meaning of Tuslob Buwa (Cebuano language) in English.
Tuslob - means "to dip" or "dip in" and Buwa - means "bubbles".

Greetings to sir @alikoc07 and the rest of the team of SteemFoods Community.

Thank you all for dropping by. Hopefully you have something to learn about my recipe and soon you'll cook like this. Keep safe everyone and God bless!

Your chef for today,

 3 years ago 

i also love this food

Yes ma'am.CebuaKnows ☺️

 3 years ago 

Muy detallada receta, siempre es bueno conocer y cocinar comidas de distintas culturas y gastronomías.

Thank you for appreciating our cuisines ma'am @tremaria. See you in my next recipe.

 3 years ago 

Hello friend I love the way you have details out the procedures you use in preparing your meal honestly I never knew pig's brain is very important. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful content @jufranketchup

Thank you for appreciating my recipe for today friend @josepha. You must try to cook like that I am sure you like it once you tasted.

5 pesos sauna daog na! 😊

Kaayo ma'am. Worthit jud ang 5 pesos sauna hehe

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