Quick Update: HTX to Restore Services 'Within 24 Hours' after $13.6M Hack

in Steem Alliance7 months ago


On November 22, HTX fell victim to a significant exploit, resulting in losses amounting to $13.6 million. Despite this setback, the exchange is committed to restoring normal operations promptly. According to their official announcement, HTX assures users that they will be fully compensated for any losses incurred during this attack.

In a reassuring move, HTX has pledged to resume deposits and withdrawals within the next 24 hours. The exchange is steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding user funds, emphasizing that the amount lost in this incident constitutes only a small fraction of the platform's total funds. Importantly, this security breach has not impacted the regular operations of HTX.

The hack on HTX is part of an orchestrated attack against the HTX Eco (HECO) Chain bridge, involving HTX, Tron (TRX), and BitTorrent (BTT). Notably, all three entities are linked or de-facto controlled by Chinese blockchain entrepreneur Justin Sun. This marks the fourth hacking incident in the past two months for HTX and Justin Sun-linked entities.

HTX remains resolute in its commitment to user security, stating, "protecting user assets and information security is our highest responsibility, and we will take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents from happening again." The exchange, along with Justin Sun, is actively investigating the specifics of the hacker attack. Once the investigation is complete and the cause identified, services will resume.

It's worth noting that a $10 million white hat bounty for the return of stolen funds from the $100 million Poloniex exploit is still open at the time of publication. Justin Sun has expressed his dedication to understanding the reasons behind these attacks and ensuring the security of the platform.

 6 months ago 

Hello @yomarve,

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