
in R2cornell4 years ago


Once upon a time there were two frogs that lived in a certain lagoon, one day a toad arrived there looking for a wife.

He said to the frogs:

-I want to marry one of you.

But they answered him:

-We are sisters, we have always been together, toad if one of us marries the other will be unhappy to see his sister's happiness and her great sadness.

The toad said:

-"I only want to marry one of you.

They told him:

-Go and find a wife in another pond.

So the toad did as suggested and the frogs were left alone in the pond.

As time passed, they began to grow old, and one day one of them said to the other.

-We are old and alone, why don't we marry the toad when he doesn't propose? Even if one of us would have been happy and the other would have enjoyed happiness with her, this lagoon would be full of tadpoles to occupy our days and fill us with joy, but we always seek to see that the happiness of one should be the misfortune of the other, when happiness should only be the joy of the other.

If there is love in all these things we must also understand that the opportunity to be happy only comes once, if we let it pass with only regrets we will end up.

Frogs died without procreation or joy.


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