Contest - The Best Role in My Life.


Hello guys, how have you been, hope you're keeping well. It feels good to be back in your faces once again. It's been a bit hard keeping up lately but all will be well. I decided to do my come back first with this post because I found it interesting and of course I've got something to share along this line. Let's get into it guys...

✅ How to play an important role in your life?

The word How talks about the methodology in doing something, in other words, the above question which am attempting to answer can also be rephrased as what method do you use in playing your role effectively.

To answer this, I have to first mentioned that one needs to identify the roles in question before discussing the "how" of such role. Personally, I have different role I play as an individual and am gonna be mentioning them right away.


I play the roles of the first born to my siblings, a teacher, a leader and friend. I would have loved to include "Father" but I feel I've not fully attain that stature and height even though I clearly understand that fatherhood is not about having ones biological children.

The "how" to all of this role is simple. Since I know am the first born, I simply need to be responsible for my siblings, as a teacher, I need to ensure that I groom minds and make them exceptional, as a leader, I ensure I create leaders who will not only succeed me but will in turn raise good leader and as friend, I ensure I be the very best pal I can ever be, staying through thick and thin with those I call friends.

✅ Is a role important in our lives? Why?

Yes of course, roles are important in our live, roles gives us this sense of responsibility which in turn make everything organized and smooth. There would have been a lot of friction and chaos if roles were not assigned or when people fail to take up roles and be responsible.

Imagine if I fail to look out for my siblings despite been the very first, it won't be an experience that you would be praised for because you're failing there. The same goes for a teacher, leaders and even friend. Taking up these roles sometimes is not a matter of choice, like the case of the first born. One just have to behave responsibly by taking up such roles.

✅ How do you find out what your role in this life is?

I do not think identifying the role is a problem, some of these roles you play are by default, take for example, you happen to be a the first born, you automatically become responsible for your siblings, you pick up the role of looking out for them without being told.


Another example is when you give birth to a child you then understand that another responsible have been added because at this point, you're not just a husband, you're now a father who should cater for both your wife and the child.

What am saying in essence is that nature itself teaches us the roles we take up as individuals apart from the ones we have been assigned to take up.

✅What are the three Most Important Roles in Your Life?

My first role is the role of the first born, the eldest of my siblings and God has been helping me play the role so well even though I can't rate it as 100% because of some limitations here and there.

The second role is the role of a leader, by the grace of God I have folks who look up to me and follow me, by default am responsible for them and am obligated to ensure I lead them well.

Lastly, I play the roles of a manager at work, meaning I have to manage bosse business and ensure all goes well. Failure to do so would mean I do not understand what assignment has been given to me and I will have to face the consequences.


It's amazing how a single individual assumes several roles and function in it appropriately, I know there are times that one could experience some clash in discharging this roles but then one would always look for a way to balance it because as we grow older, more responsibilities are added.
Thanks you so much for your time, I really do appreciate .



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