A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Harmony at Dusk

in Freewriters2 months ago

4 354 (4).jpg

In the stillness of the sunset, where the sun kisses the earth.
A silhouette rises, embodying the serene mirtha.
Hands to the sky, in a gesture of reverence.
Celebrate the eternal dance of existence and essence.

Golden rays caress its graceful form.
Like divine brushes painting a subtle mural.
Heaven and earth meet in this sacred moment.
Uniting distant worlds, in an elevated embrace.

Peace floods the space, time fades away.
In this corner of the universe, only the now seems.
Between cottony clouds and twinkling lights.
A deep truth is revealed that unites and creates us all.

Thank you very much for reading my publication.


A beautiful entry. It catches the soul! 👍

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