The Pen is Funnier than the Sword: An Essay on the Art of Writing with Humor

in Freewriters2 months ago



Writing well is like preparing a salad; you need the right ingredients, a good dressing, and of course, preventing a stubborn tomato from jumping off the plate. But what happens when you add humor to that salad? Well, you end up with something that could make even the most serious lettuce laugh.

**First**, understanding humor is key. Not everyone laughs at the same things, except maybe a cat playing the piano. Humor is subjective, so if you're going to write something funny, make sure it makes at least you laugh. Otherwise, you could end up writing the world's most boring instruction manual, and no one wants that.

**Second**, hype is your friend. If you're going to tell how you tripped on the street, don't just say "I fell." Better say "I was the victim of an ambush perpetrated by the conspiring sidewalk and the traitorous shoe." Thus, your stumble becomes an epic worth telling.

**Third**, sarcasm is a powerful tool, but use it with caution. It's like that spicy condiment everyone says they can handle until they end up crying in the corner. Sarcasm can be funny, but it can also be confusing, especially if your reader thinks you're really interested in collecting vintage postage stamps.

**Fourth**, don't be afraid to be ridiculous. Dignity is overrated, especially when it comes to writing with humor. If you have to put on a chicken hat and dance the macarena for inspiration, do it. Creativity has no limits, nor should shame.

**Fifth**, play with words. Words are like Lego pieces; You can build with them whatever you want. A castle, a dragon, or even a story about a castle and a dragon who decide to open a vegetarian restaurant. The possibilities are endless.

**Sixth** , remember that humor is human. Even in the darkest of times, finding something to laugh about can be a balm for the soul. So, as you write, think about how your words can brighten someone's day. Because in the end, if you can make someone smile, you've already won.



Here you have it, an essay on the art of writing with humor. I hope it made you smile, or at least, that it didn't make the tomatoes rebel. Happy writing!

Thank you very much for reading my publication.


You made me smile 👍

If it comes to sarcasm I like to replace it for black humour. Let's laugh and not always keep tiptoeing around people who feel insulted about everything and nothing.

 #comment - elves like your story.jpg

A great essay you wrote!

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