Eye Catching - Interesting freewrite of today

in Freewriters3 years ago

Made by myself

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Prompt: Eye catching

It's very eye catching when you're browsing the internet and the gogle artificial intelligence algorithm shows you ads that have to do with what you've been looking for for a long time. What interesting things does technology have, right?

This morning I woke up and when I was preparing to navigate on my laptop to start this post, I found an error that appeared in my browser:


I could not enter any web page, check the cables, check if the modem was well connected, check everything, and everything was correct. But what was eye catching for me was that using my phone I could access any web page.

Then I started to work by discarding, I reset my router, and the same problem continued, I had no alternative but to get on the phone to find out by google, and of course, I found the answer by searching in linux forums because it is the OS that I I have on my laptop.

The point is that I had to put the dns in linux, and I had forgotten how to do it, fortunately there is a lot of information available and after trying 3 methods unsuccessfully, on the 4th I managed to put the dns.

First use the google dns, and then change it to the opendns. It is really very simple to do it, by clicking on the network connections icon, then going to the ipv4 part and placing the 2 dns, separated by a comma, as you can see here.

And that's how my day started, using this situation that I was presented with, I took advantage of getting the most out of it, writing this post and telling you how I solved the problem.

So today is a very eye catching tech day for me.


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This work is under a License Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.


Con el apoyo de la familia.

Trail de TopFiveFamily

A very good post!

thanks, wish you like it :)

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