
in Freewriterslast year

Being a leader is about being liked or hated, taking responsibility, finding someone to blame to safe your own skin.
Being a leader is about being usefull to others, being a puppet. That puppet where others pull the strings.
Most leaders aren't natural, born leaders but put in a certain place by a powerful person.
Natural leaders are dangerous to those powerful people who hide behind other's backs.
You are a leader so act like one, is what many leaders must have heard during the past three years. Act like a leader means you have to decide, cut ropes, break necks if necessary, lie, cheat, manipulate if you lack charm. Charm is what most leaders lack, charm, empathy and the courage to draw a line and say: so far and not any further.
Instead they fill their pockets, fly in private jets, hide and start never ending wars to rob and kill their own people. It will continue till natural leaders arise and fight back till the last tyrant is dead.
After that we all say it should never happen again, we should learn from the past and forget.

Average leadership is about dominating others not about showing them a way out. Leaders do not feel guilty about the harm they caused they are selfish, greedy personalities, narcissistic creatures who accuse others of the things they do themselves.


Prompt @mariannewest

Link https://steemit.com/hive-161155/@mariannewest/day-1919-5-minute-freewrite-monday-prompt-you-are-a-leader

Photo https://pixabay.com/nl/photos/spani%c3%abl-hond-hondje-cocker-4102831/

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