Bad Effects of Plastic Plague| Stop Using Single-use Plastic| Awareness Blog 10 % to @japansteemit

in Steem Japan2 years ago

Bad Effects of Plastic Plague| Stop Using Single-use Plastic| Awareness Blog


Would you like it if somebody littered your habitat with plastic and you got trapped in it ?Not a nice way to Die


There are about 46,000 pieces of plastic remains floating on or near the surface of every square mile of ocean. This gets washed up onto beaches and kills animals along the way. It also kills animals which come on the beach to collect food or return to their habitat in which case they also may get killed. This is also called the PLASTIC PLAGUE
All over the world more and more whales, porpoises and other sea mammals are getting killed every year by plastic plague. The world use over 1.2 TRILLION plastic bags a year and most of these end up in oceans.

"We are now depending on you to help us to change what is happening around our fragile and beautiful world"

Hundreds of whales,seals, dolphins and turtles of other sea creatures die each year from plastic waste being littered into the ocean. Litter can get eaten by water mammals or can get caught around their necks or once ingested, can't be digested or passed by an animal,so it stays in the gut , plastic in animal gut can prevent food digestion and can lead to a very slow and painful death


Thin plastic bags, Especially dry cleaning bags, have the potential for causing suffocation. About 25 children in the UNITED STATES suffocate each year due to plastic bags, most under the age of one. This has led to voluntary warning labels on some bags which may pise a hazard to small children.



∆ Avoid accepting plastic bags when you finish shopping.
∆ Avoid disposing of plastic along with organic waste
∆ Avoid using plastic chairs or tables.
∆ Don't dispose plastic which can be recycled.
∆ plastic is made from crude oil. So lesser usage of plastic also means lesser demand for crude oil products.

 2 years ago 

@malaika.maryam さん、こんにちは。

💡 アップボートガイド 💡




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