Business activity | Truchi Cafe | Bread cake, the ideal dessert for your snacks | 10% of our reward goes to @businessactivity

in Business Activity3 years ago
Among the desserts that should not be missing in any bakery, is the exquisite bread cake; a bread-based sweet that, in combination with the perfect ingredients, creates an irresistible flavor for those who have the pleasure of trying it.

Truchi Cafe is not far behind when it comes to preparing this delicacy. A cake that was born under the premise of not losing materials; This is preferably done with stale or stale bread, although it is okay if the bread is fresh out of the oven.

Offering this dessert to Truchi Café is a pleasure; since we know that this is one of the favorites of Venezuelan families. We are adding it to our showcases and the responsiveness has been incredible.

Why offer this cake?
The answer is very simple; The bread cake is one of the most requested sweets and one that allows you to choose your own ingredients (reason enough to be one of the favorites). Just by placing it in the showcases, these portions are sold like hot bread and it is logical that this is the case, this cake is basically bread surrounded by exquisite sweet.

Unlike the other desserts, this one allows us as bakers to use breads that at the end of the day were not sold; so the materials are perfect and ideal in these times when wasting food is a sin.

What are the other ingredients that compose it?
What makes Obtaining a cake that is visually attractive and delicious in flavor not only depends on the ingredients (although these are the base), it will also depend on the cooking techniques and times that each cook uses. Therefore, here are some recommendations that are very useful to me.this cake really special are all its ingredients; These are very easy to find and especially the price of each one is quite affordable. In addition, the quantities used for a large cake are few or at least do not overdo it and the cake will continue to taste unforgettable.

The ingredients are:
🍮Bread (preferably old, but not damaged)

🍮Liquid milk.
🍮Pasas (optional).
🍮Cheese (optional).

The amount of ingredients depends a lot on the size in which the cake is desired and as you have read, there are ingredients that are optional, but that provide an incomparable flavor to our bread cake. For example, cheese provides that distant salty flavor that is essential in many sweets.

On the other hand, the raisins will give the cake a sweet and sour taste, thanks to the liquor in which they are lightly soaked for a few minutes before adding it to the mixture. So, if what we want is a special cake, we must think carefully about the ingredients that we want to put on it.

Unmissable tips
Obtaining a cake that is visually attractive and delicious in flavor not only depends on the ingredients (although these are the base), it will also depend on the cooking techniques and times that each cook uses. Therefore, here are some recommendations that are very useful to me.

🍮The base caramel before adding the mixture to the pan should not burn excessively; Well, when you put it in the oven it will turn darker.

🍮Although the cake can be placed in the oven directly, the ideal is to place it in a bain-marie.

🍮If cinnamon is among your favorite flavors, you can add a little ground cinnamon to the mix, I assure you that you will not regret it.

🍮Eggs added to the mix should be at room temperature; otherwise, the mixture may be cut off.

🍮Another option that can replace raisins is candied fruit.

1 Portion1 usd → 0. 153 SBD →3.616 STEEM
Full cake7 usd → 1 SBD →12.589
Investment5 usd → 0.766 SBD → 8.992 STEEM

Business name:Truchi Cafe
Owner's name:@maurelvys
Business address:Cumana, Sucre, Venezuela.
About us:About us

At Truchi Cafe we ​​are happy to meet on this platform. Thanks to the #businessactivity community for the opportunity and incredible support.

 3 years ago 

@maurelvys , Delighted with this sample of work, a recipe and a sale that any customer has to be craving; The materials, no matter how few they seem, can be discarded, all useful and for each dessert here is a sample of it.

Say No to waste, everything has a to be used, Well said.

Thanks for the advice, for the preparation, the special touches, what we can substitute and add.

We are looking forward to preparing and purchasing this dessert.

We hope that your regular customers, and those new to the Blockchain, are in Cumana, Venezuela, to be the first to savor this delicacy that in images looks extraordinary, and we assume in flavor as well, for all this description.


 3 years ago 

This cake is perfect because the expense generated to prepare it is little and the taste is great.
With it, it is shown that you do not need great things to make a dessert great.
Thank you @cindycam for always being attentive to our publications.

 3 years ago 

Se ve muy buena su tarta. Esa es una de mis favoritas. Muchas gracias por los consejitos.

 3 years ago 

Realmente quedo deliciosa, enseguida la vendi. Gracias por pasearte por esta publicación.

 3 years ago 

It looks delicious, I congratulate you on that delicious dessert. Continue making those delicacies and showing the recipes

 3 years ago 

Este era el postre que preparaba los fines de semana mi abuela. Su sabor y textura son inigualables. Gracias por compartir esos tips tan precisos. Bendiciones

 3 years ago 

Esta torta me encanta y aunque es muy sencilla su preparación, no a todo el mundo le queda con la textura perfecta. Ayer mis clientes decían que tenía la apariencia de quesillo y buen sabor.
Gracias @felyess por siempre estar atenta a nuestras publicaciones.

 3 years ago 

Una deliciosa de postre, perfecto para ser acompañado con una taza de café.

 3 years ago 

Ai es, este postre es una exquisitez. A mi me encanta comerla con chocolate caliente.
Saludos @angeloguzman31

 3 years ago 

Hola amiga, la torta de pan es exquisita, mi madre solía hacer ese tipo de tortas.
Lo mejor es que lleva muy pocos ingredientes, y como dices nos da la oportunidad de aprovechar todos los materiales para no desperdiciar nada.
Cuando vuelva de visita a cumana me encantaria pasar a probar esa deliciosa torta.
Gracias por compartir tu receta con tips, un día de estos la pondré en practica.
Éxitos en tu negocio, saludos.

 3 years ago 

Estimada @belenc, seria genial que pases a visitarnos cuando vengas a cumana, te sorprendere con algunos postres.
Intenta hacer este postre, es muy sencillo de hacer y su sabor vale la pena. Saludos

Hello Happy day. What a pleasure to read your material again and see the charming recipes that you have to provide here in the community without a doubt that the bread cake is totally delicious both day and night, yes, always accompanying it with a good cup of coffee We recommend that for your next publications you put the exact amount of the ingredients to make this recipe so if any of the readers are interested they will be happy to greet them.

 3 years ago 

Greetings @gensequini, as always your comments and recommendations are very successful; I will gladly post my recipes for the next publication.
A pleasure that you take the time to read us.

 3 years ago 

Un costo muy accesible por unidad, me gusta bastante la torta de pan sobre todo cuando está fría, me encanta.

 3 years ago 

Así es, considero que esa es una de las mayores características de esta torta, su precio es inigualable.
Gracias por leernos.

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