yay, finally got in here :) happy to be here.

. .. looks like the beta is back up again for everyone which is awesome news, also, what's acceptable as a post, like can i write a comment like this and it's cool without having to write an epic or include a photo?

i'd like to share some drinking reviews maybe over christmas or hang out in video chat with others drinking if people are up for it? (and talk about steem)


Nice to see you rockin this new feature! i just started a new community about video : https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-178335
Would love to see you join, since you make great vids ;)

sweet man! i'm there! :)

 4 years ago 

Hey, man! Welcome! Yes, all that is accepted no problem. Share your drink reviews and just have fun is what I would recommend!

awesome! will do, excited. lots to drink over christmas ;)

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