The Diary Game #38: Share your day with us! My first day at the gym; I was so excited!

in Steem For Ladieslast month (edited)

Hello friends
Greetings and welcome to my blog. Today 25/4/24, am so excited to tell you all about my gym experience. Honestly I just feel it’s now am beginning to enjoy my single hood. Hahahaha.

055EA9CF-C57F-4D88-B293-58071783FFBB.jpegExcited Me at the gym

I just had that strange feeling of Joy of doing something personally to improve my personality. For the first time I decided to do something for myself. Something I would love and would improve my self confidence and that’s registering with the gym for workout.

I had been feeling down on my self confidence for sometime because I had been eating late at night and I added some weight some time ago and my stomach has simply gone out of proportion to my body weight.

C20962DB-B628-4AE1-90DE-64D4F6F9833B.jpegMe feeling I’ve made it in life😂
C8753365-727D-409B-9E39-6DE91EE9610C.jpegA guy on the threadmill

I wasn’t comfortable with this at all. Most times when I dress up, I have my tummy bulging out of my dress and this is a no no for me.

So I finally made up my mind to start gyming. So today was my first day at the gym and I was so excited and was looking out for a great time out with of working out.

I left for the gym at about 8am and when I got there, I registered for two months and the work began. I started out with using the thread-mill and it was fun. The thread-mill is a machine that regulates the paces of the steps you take on a timer.

You can increase it until you start running on it while on the spot or you can decrease it to a working pace. After the thread mill I did some cycling and then the gym instructor gave me some exercises to do.

9EC60F8E-6626-4AB8-862D-D7D8649D0A68.jpegsome machines at the gym
2C9C62C4-87D2-4598-956B-C8A8174BDAE5.jpegA lady cycling

They were quite difficult for me because I hadn’t been exercising in a long while , so I had to patiently pass through them. I did 15 squats with 30 jumping jacks in four sets. It was tough. When I was done, I did 20 knee squats in another four set.

Ahhh, I could barely walk when I finished. My muscles freezed. Did I need to tell you that I was in serious pains for the next one week that followed my gymnastics experience?. I could barely walk or do anything meaningful without serious pains.

I had to take pain reliever the next two days just so I could at least move about. It was as if all my muscles were screaming at the same time. I returned to the gym three days after the fist experience and it wasn’t as tough as the first.

BD366C89-47A6-49CB-85AA-73732AFC716C.jpegMe in the kitchen cooking up a storm
94AE887C-42C6-4357-B4AF-A46F14E44CC0.jpegMy Savory food to soot my aching muscles

When I got back from gym, I was hungry, so I dashed into the kitchen to cook up something to eat. I prepared pasta and stew and ate. I already had stew in the fridge. It was a delicious savory food to soot my aching muscles.

I had other things to attend to in the afternoon which I did after eating . Then at about 3:30pm, I headed out to the road for an evening meeting. The meeting began by 4pm and lasted till 7pm.

Meeting done and dusted

When I got home, it was already late. I fixed a quick dinner of beans and ate and retired for the night. I had a fulfilled day and my first day at the gym was a memorable one.

Thanks for coming down this lane with me. I ask @lovestar, @chadman and @ashhamsharif to participate in this contest.



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Curated by : @josepha
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Thank you @josepha for the support. Weldone

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You really had a great day sister

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Yes I did. Thanks for stopping by ma’am.

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Thank you for participating…..
It was a beautiful day for you. Having the feeling of excitement about the gym means whatever pain you felt or feel wont be important, all that matters is your excitement. That pasta was ideal for you. Good luck to you!

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

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Thanks for the review ma’am. Weldone

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