Diary Game : Yummy Pecel With Peanut Sauce Made By My Lovely Friend (May 5th, 2024)

in Steem For Ladies26 days ago


My bestie just finished cooking Pecel a.k.a. Indonesian veggies salad with peanut sauce, one of the savory food from my country, Indonesia

Bonsoir my stunning ladies 🥰.
How's life ? May Yaa Wahhab always hug you in peace & love. I send a warm regards and smile for you from far, my fellas 🤍😇


We had a lot of cakes & syrup which one we got from our student’s parent yesterday

On Sunday morning Alhamdulillah I woke up pretty earlier even if I was getting period. We had a lot of cakes & syrup which one we got from our student’s parent also yesterday. We enjoy the cakes from our first meal this Sunday morning. I took my white & brown towel in the clothesline area in the upstairs then fight with my lovely enemy, water and dipper in the bathroom. Several minutes before taking a shower, I went to the second floor and soaked my laundry. Yazz fellas, I had a bunch of laundry these weeks. No wonder, it happens owing to the fact that I had full schedule this month.

I help my friends to cooked one of the most popular traditional food in my country, Indonesia. Yep, Pecel. My friend from Gresik had scheedule cooking this weekend. I help her while had a small talks in the kitchen.

Pecel is Indonesian veggies salad. There are consists of boiled bean sprouts & water spinach furthermore fried tempeh, tofu plus chicken then peanut sauce mix tamarin. Alhamdulillah we had a tasty meals this blessed Sunday morning.


My best friend just finished cooking Pecel a.k.a. Indonesian veggies salad with peanut sauce, one of the savory food from my country, Indonesia

I do the dishes then boiled the water. I was dying for a hot lemon tea with less sugar after enjoying Pecel last time. I enjoy a bottle of hot lemon tea with less sugar in the dining room while doing a little concert in the dining room alone.

I am in the highest mood to sang some old songs in that day. All of a sudden one of my gorgeous friends followed me & had a seat beside me. We created an unforgettable moments on the weekend.


I am over the moon of hot lemon tea less sugar


Alhamdulillah done washing my laundry from morning till noon

After taking a rest, a few minutes later I went to the upstairs afterwards washed my laundry. The day like an oven on Sunday morning. Alhamdulillah it means a great news for my laundry. Rolling on the floor. No doubt, I washed a lot of laundry and started from soft colours then colourful colours. I clean the washing area in the upstairs after dried my laundry. I taken a bath again, get dressed, play my cellphone whilst laying down till, ”ZzzzZZzzzZz”. I slept a wink, buddies. I am rather exhausted after washing a bunch of laundry last time.


One of our lovely friend, I meant the tutor gave us “Banca’an” some food inasmuch as they just made a little du’a for their lovely who’s passed away about a year ago

I got up and answer the call of nature. I was famished. I asked my pretty friends to got lunch in the dining room. Too late lunch inasmuch as last time I took a nap yet no matter what. Today I tried to eat healthy food without rice. Just pecel & hot lemon tea less sugar. I washed my hands with the hand wash in the sink and dried it. I took a bowl, put a little bean sprouts & water spinach, shredded fried chicken, fried tempeh plus tofu. I pour the peanut sauce then mixed all of them well. It’s delicious. Approximately thirty minutes later when I already finished my lunch, one of our friends gave us “Banca’an” some food inasmuch as they just made a little du’a for their lovely who’s passed away about a year ago.

I just got up afterwards suddenly starving


Alhamdulillah finished set my clothes into my wardrobe

Approximately an hour later I tidy up my belongings in my bedroom. I put some of my woman daily needs into the luggage. There are some of packs sanitary pad, deodorants, hand & body lotions, shampoo, micellar water & etcetera. I set my laundry also into my wardrobe which after the laundry man take it up several weeks ago. I am busy as bee till forgot about it. My bad. I need two hours more to tidy up my belongings plus laundry in my bedroom.

I taken a shower and get dressed. I was bored due to the fact that I just spent a whole my day in my house from this week. I went outside and looking for something fresh, I meant food & beverages afterwards house dress.

I bought Kebab then fresh drink plus house dress at Lawu Plaza Madiun what3words.com at Pahlawan Street, Kartoharjo, Madiun City, East Java.


Sightseeing at Lawu Plaza Madiun what3words.com at Pahlawan Street, Kartoharjo, Madiun City, East Java on the weekend

I watched some Spoiler movies on YouTube on my mobile phone. I switch on my laptop then started typing to make some posts in some of communities in Steemit on the dine table.

After cleaning my face & relieve myself, I switch on our air conditioner. I put a little hand & body lotion on my body, put a little serum & moisture gel on my face, recited TriQul, made a little du’a subsequently hit the hay.

Big thank you to Mrs. @patjewell @ruthjoe @aviral123 @shiftitamanna @vishwara @ninapenda & @m-fdo for the supports 💖🥰.

Warm regards,


 26 days ago (edited)
Club StatusClub5050
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
Voting CSI9.8 ( 0.00 % self, 117 upvotes, 73 accounts, last 7d )
AI contentHuman
Word count917
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Hi @asiahaiss,

Thank you for contributing 10% of your post to support community growth.

I enjoyed reading your diary. All the dishes you made look healthy and delicious. For your lemon tea, you can add honey instead of sugar. Keep sharing your days with us...! I wish you luck in the contest!

Thank you for participating…..

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high-yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

 21 days ago 

Alhamdulillah, a massive thank you for checking my post, my gorgeous friend 🥰
Have a blessed weekend 🤍😇

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 24 days ago 

Thank you for sharing your wonderful diary ! I loved reading it and feeling like I was a part of your special day. May God always keep you safe and protected, Ameen

 21 days ago 

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin
Alhamdulillah, I highly appreciate it, my friend
Have a great weekend 😊

 23 days ago 

I know what you mean. Spending the whole day just doing shores at home can be so boring. But you also spent some Nice moments with your Friends, listened to music, had some rest and had great food, so it was a fine day.


 21 days ago 

Alhamdulillah, big thank you for your lovely comments my pretty friend 🥰
Have a good weekend 🤍😇

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