5 Things Which Make Me Happy🙂

in Steem For Ladies9 months ago (edited)

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I watched a Facebook reel once where two lovers were professing love to themselves. What caught my attention was a sentence the guy made:

You are my sunshine. Without you, my life would be gloomy.

This particular pickup line seemed perfect for the moment. It probably reassured his girl of his never dying love. But it reminded me of something about me: That my happiness comes from within.

The happiness in my body rarely gets triggered by external motivations. I always find the perfect way to make myself giddy every minute.

This explains why I smile ALWAYS.

Lumii_20230911_190122131.pngIs my laugh contagious?

Sometimes this desire makes me do some weird things just to release those happy hormones — dopamine. Haha.

I will mention 5 things that consistently bring me joy and happiness, and why they hold so much significance to me. I hope you share your thoughts with me as well.

1. Writing


Have you ever heard the saying that poets are troubled people? That may not be relatively true.

But what is true is that those who pen down their thoughts regularly live the happiest lives. Writers, is my opinion valid?

I will leave this for you to answer.

Writing is therapeutic. Even psychologist encourage their patients to keep a journal of their healing journey.

My happiest moments are when I string words together to form sentences — like now. If you read me frequently, you must have observed some unique forms of expression I employ while communicating my thoughts. I try to be creative and humorous even when I'm writing something as solemn as an apology letter. Just writing my thoughts fills me with so much joy and happiness.

2. Teaching kids


This has been my major preoccupation since I turned 10. Seeing kids under my tutelage excel at school and other places gives me so much joy.

A boy I started teaching last year moved from having the 19th position in class to taking the 4th position in three terms and though this is an external motivation, it fills me with so much joy.

3. Annoying my favourite person(s)

I might be the calmest person on earth, but not to my favourite people. In fact, the closer we get, the more annoying I become. I derive a lot of joy from doing the weirdest things with my favourites. It gives me that serotonin boost that leaves me feeling loved and appreciated.

4. Taking up challenges
By the end of this year, I want to be able to memorize every country in the world and their capitals by the grace of God. And it'll happen! Indulging in habits like this give me pure joy.

5. Singing

Still on my choir robe

Songs lighten the soul. History has it that the black slaves sang soulful songs while busy at the plantation. It helped lessen their pains while they went about their jobs. Singing aloud fills me with joy and happiness.

In times of stress or adversity, these sources of happiness help me maintain a positive outlook on life.

Take for instance when I had my first heartbreak a couple of weeks ago. Rather than cry and overthink, I wrote about my feelings instead, not like a diary but an article. I sang my favourite songs and picked up a new sport.

Writing, teaching, taking up challenges, singing and annoying my favourite people are things that give me so much joy. How about you @yhudy, @ahbaz, @patjewell, @chiomzy810, @joymm?

 9 months ago 

Beautiful article.
Writing is one thing I can't stop doing. Apart from making one creative, it helps you see life in more than one perspective.

 9 months ago 

I agree with you. Writing makes you really ponder on a thought deeper. By reflecting on these thoughts, you can discover more than you ordinarily would have done. In your words, you will get to "see life in more than one perspective."

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

 9 months ago 

You're most welcome dear.

 9 months ago 

Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote.
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"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated. If approved, you will receive an upvote within the next few days."

Good luck!

 9 months ago 

Thank you, Pandora.

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