Choices! What will it be? #25

in Steem For Ladies8 months ago (edited)

The Power of the Desk in a Remote Workplace

Imagine a world where your office is just a few steps from your bed. No morning traffic jams, no suffocating formal attire, and you also have the freedom to brew your favourite coffee whenever you please. Welcome, my distinguished Steemian, to the world of remote work, a realm where your desk becomes your sanctuary, your productivity booster, and your gateway to professional success.


Remote work has become a norm in this modern age rather than an exception. As a young techie, I found myself towing this path filled with challenges and opportunities. Amidst this journey, I discovered the hidden gem that can make or break your remote work experience—your desk.


In my early days as a remote worker, my "desk" was often my dining table, my bed or even my couch. However, I soon realized the importance of a dedicated workspace when I kept recording low productivity and increased fatigue.

Creating a Dedicated Workspace

The truth is that a dedicated workspace is not just a piece of furniture; it is your productivity hub. When you designate a specific area for only work, you mentally prepare yourself for the tasks ahead. It is like that switch that tells you, "Time to get things done."

  • Choose Comfort

Let us talk about ergonomics and comfort. You see, I used to underestimate the value of a good chair and an ergonomic desk setup. But when back pain, tech back and discomfort started to creep in, I understood the significance of ergonomics. As a remote worker, your chair should support your spine, your desk height should be just right, and accessories like monitor stands and keyboard trays can make a world of difference.

Comfort equals focus, and focus equals productivity.

It is my dream to own an ergonomic desk and chair, but while this is in progress, I have compiled a guide you could always remember when setting up any workspace — big or small.

  • Your desk should be organised

A cluttered workspace is a mind filled with chaos. That was my mantra as I embarked on the journey of desk organization. Investing in storage solutions and organizers not only clears your desk but also your mind.

Fewer distractions meant more productivity. This is a simple equation that works wonders.

  • Personalise your desk

Your desk does not have to be a barren wasteland of productivity tools. You can personalise it by adding items that inspire you. For instance, a motivational quote, a plant, or even artwork that speaks to your soul. My dream desk would be a canvas of creativity, so every glance at it can motivate me to give my best.

A Simple Guide to Choosing the Perfect Desk

Choosing the right desk is a crucial decision when setting up your workspace, whether it is for remote work, studying, or a creative endeavour. I have compiled 6 things you should consider.

1. Know your space When you measure your space, you can figure out the best layout and position for your desk.

2. Determine Your Desk Style
Desks come in various styles, each catering to different needs and aesthetics. If you are a techie, you could consider a computer desk. It often comes with features like keyboard trays and supports cable management. A writing desk, on the other hand, is a simple, elegant choice for tasks that do not require extensive technology.

Other desks include; a corner desk, standing desk, executive desk, adjustable desk, etc.

3. Pick a material: Choose materials like wood, metal, or glass based on your style preferences and durability requirements.

4. Consider your budget: Set a budget then determine the value vs. cost. Go for long-term value as it can last for years and may be a better investment than a cheaper, less durable option.

5. Test Ergonomics and Comfort: Visit a furniture store if possible to test desks for comfort and ergonomics. Sit or stand at the desk to assess the height and comfort level. Check for legroom and knee clearance. Finally, evaluate the sturdiness and stability of the desk.

6. Research Brands and Reviews: Reviews never lie. Research reputable desk brands that are known for quality and durability. Read reviews and seek feedback from other users to learn about their experiences with specific desk models.

The world of remote work is evolving rapidly. Soon, we can expect even more exciting developments. These trends include Virtual Reality (VR) Workspaces and Decentralized Workforces. Before purchasing a desk, consider future needs first. Opt for a versatile desk that can adapt to different tasks and technologies.

For a visual guide on setting up your remote workspace, watch this video.


In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work, your desk stands as your loyal companion. It is more than just furniture; it is your gateway to productivity, comfort, and success. So, whether you are a techie like me or a creative soul, remember to always invest in your workspace. Design it, personalize it, and let it be the magic wand that takes your remote work to new heights.

Remember, your desk isn't just a piece of wood or metal; it's your passport to a world of remote work possibilities.

Additional Resources

Special invitation goes to @yhudy and @emily08.

Published on 02.10.2023
By 08:00 PM
About me

 8 months ago (edited)

This is beautiful, dear.
The desk never gets tired of us, no matter how long we make use of it.
I wish you the very best in the contest.

 8 months ago 

Thank you, @yhudy.
I wish you the best too in the contest.

 8 months ago 

You're welcome, and thanks.

 8 months ago 

Amazing explanation of desk . Best of luck for the contest dear.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for reading me, @hudamalik20. Do you have your special desk too?

 8 months ago 

Yes , in childhood I had my favorite desk with my best friend.
Most welcome dear.

Desks are indeed important tools and we have need them at most of the places. Nice to hear about the steps of the formation of the desk according to our budget. Best of luck.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for the kind words, @mohammadfaisal. Desks are important tools for remote workers too. What would steemians do without desks?

I access steemit through my mobile.

 8 months ago 

Thank you for taking part in this week's contest of "Choices!"
Most women will say that their hair is their everything. Mine is my desk. The men in the house knows that they will be in deep trouble water is they taken something from my desk.
Good luck with the contest!

 8 months ago 

My desk is my favourite spot as well. Not like I always wanted it to be though but I discovered that I'm more productive when I sit properly. Right now, I am sitting on my desk buried with work and I still feel like I just started even though it will be approaching 2hrs soon. Somehow I have completed 50% of my tasks already.

 8 months ago 

You sound just like me! (•ิ‿•ิ)

 8 months ago 

I am so proud of this one.💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

 8 months ago 

Hi @ukpono, you have definitely given a master class on the importance of the desk for our bodily health, including the right environment that will help our work in Steemit.

I congratulate you for such an excellent post, much success to your life.

 8 months ago 

Thank you, @sariana23. These words are so sweet to the ears and I am grinning from ear to ear. I can also feel my tummy flutter.

 8 months ago 

Wow,this is beautiful, have learned something new today about desktop..
Best of luck darlin

 8 months ago 

Thank you, @emily08. Do you have a dedicated workspace yet or are you just like me?😪

 8 months ago 

@ukpono just like you darlin but very soon we will have ours...

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