Breaking from Social Media Addiction | My own experience

in Healthy Steem2 months ago

Hello everyone!
Here's a new post about health - this time digital.
Firstly, I want to thank everyone for a warm welcome! You can read my previous post here.

Let's begin!


Nowadays, gadget addiction becomes more and more common. We tend to do lots of things online: working, buying and selling things, learning and communicating.

Unfortunately, this way it becomes easier to lose touch with the real world around us, especially, with growing popularity of different social media. The content there gets shorter and shorter until we get used to scrolling through tons of 10-second videos.


Such social media behaviour makes our attention span worse. Spending hours on social media not only leads to deprecation - it can become a serious addiction.

Why does this addiction occur?
According to Jefferson Health, social media platforms drive surges of dopamine to the brain to keep consumers coming back over and over again. The shares, likes and comments on these platforms trigger the brain’s reward center.

Here's some practical advice that helped me heal from social media addiction.

Define your triggers

Oftentimes feeling worried, upset or disappointed with a real life event makes us dive into virtual world. When our body is stressed, it searches for dopamine. If social media are a source of it, then it's easy to get addicted. The solution is learning to manage stress in a healthy way, such as talking to a close friend or spending time on fresh air.

Delete unnecessary apps/accounts

Out of sight - out of mind. Firstly, we will receive less messages and secondly, there will be less reasons to check your accounts for updates.

Set timers and turn the notifications off

Numerous gadgets have an app-timer function. While being fair with yourself, it's an effective way to break from social media addiction. You can also turn off the notifications to stop receiving countless updates etc.

Choose another activity

Sometimes this addiction comes from simply getting bored. That's why it may be helpful to switch it for learning, doing household chores or any other healthier activity.

Ask for help

Do not hesitate to ask your family, friends or a therapist for help. Just remeber to be aware while choosing a professional if you're planning to work with one.

Thank you for reading! Looking forward to write again :)

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

 2 months ago 

Hello dear friend, We complete many tasks through social media platforms. It makes our life easier but in this process we all get so used to it that in a way we become addicted to social media which is not correct at all. In today's time be it a child or an adult everyone is a victim of this gadget addiction because it has good benefits too. That's why they are unable to leave it and also get caught in its bad effects. And the way you got rid of it is very commendable.
Have a nice day

Hello! Thank you for a valuable comment. In my opinion, sometimes people just rely on tech too much, that's why we as a society tend to suffer from gadget addiction, but if more people will pay attention to their digital health, we'll get significant benefits in a relatively short period.
Have a good day too!

Posted using SteemPro Mobile


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