SEC-S17 W6 :tourism in my country

in Steem For Bangladesh21 days ago

Hello, how are you, I hope you are healthy and keep the enthusiasm for sharing original and quality posts, today I will take part in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S17 W6

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This time I was very enthusiastic about making a challenge post because it was themed on tourist attractions, so I felt this was my opportunity to promote my local tourist attractions to the eyes of the world.

So that in the future there will be foreign tourists who want to visit our area so that we can advance our region and country

Share two popular tourist attractions in your country and the reasons why they are so popular?

The first: a freshwater tourist spot in Takengon, Aceh, Indonesia,
Why do I think this place is very popular because this place is never empty of visitors, if we visit on holidays there will be no place to stay left and the roads are very congested

Apart from that, I think this place is very popular because it offers beautiful sea views, the surrounding area is inhabited by high hills and fresh sea water and here the weather is very cool and cold in the morning.


Takengon freshwater tourism



Apart from that, there are also cafes and camping spots available here along the seafront, for friends who like camping, it is very suitable to choose this location for a holiday.

Second: a beachside tourist spot located in Bantayan, Kecamayan, Seunudon, North Aceh, Indonesia. Why I chose this tourist spot is because here the natural charm of the beach is very beautiful and the aesthetic atmosphere of the shady trees on the beach

This place is booming in my area, every day there are definitely lots of visitors both within the area and outside the area, they really enjoy the charm of the beach here and it is the main choice for those holding school or office farewell parties.

Do foreign tourists visit this place?

Until now, no foreign tourists have come here, maybe because this tourist spot is not yet well known abroad, so I feel this is my opportunity to introduce tourism in my area so that the people of the world know that in Aceh there are lots of good tourist attractions.

There are various natural wonders in Aceh starting from the Baiturrahman Mosque, waterfall tourist attractions, white sand, fresh sea in a cold city, hot springs and beachside tourism, if you have a golden opportunity for a holiday, you can try visiting Aceh-Indonesia tourism

What improvements do you think are needed to increase the visibility of foreign tourists there?

Maybe there should be a special accommodation near the tourist attraction to make it easier for tourists to rest and there should also be a language translator or interpreter who can help them communicate well with local residents.

Increase advertising about the beauty of the tourist attractions here to attract tourists to visit and adjust the facts and advertisements

did you know there is a spot that not everyone knows about but has the potential to become a popular tourist destination in the future?

Yes, I don't know, because as time goes by and modernity changes the perspective and way of thinking of humans, now there are many tourist attractions that we never thought of before, for example waterfall tourism in forests and mountains, camping tourist attractions in Takegaon.

And really we can't imagine that in the future a different generation will be born, maybe they will prefer more extreme tourism

That's the post about my participation in this challenge. I also invite @nana12 @ustazkarim @fhasnia to take part.

Choose @pennsif.witness for growth across the steemit platform through strong communication at all levels and targeted high-yield development with available resources. Vote here


Greetings @yuliadi

I was smiling while reading your post😀. You've highlighted the two popular tourist spot in your country which are freshwater tourist spot and beachside tourist spot which is located in Bantayan, Kecamayan, Seunudon, North Aceh, Indonesia. It popular because people visit it Serene and comfortable environment always, especially during weekends.

I really love this your content because you've provided your own pictures. Is that your partner standing with you at Takengon freshwater? You both look cute together.

The first challenge theme is Share two popular tourist spot in your country and the reasons why they are so popular? not Share two popular tourist attractions in your country and the reasons why they are so popular. Goodluck wishes 💌

thank you for coming and giving positive votes and very relevant comments, yes she is my wife and our daughter, have a nice day

Wow, they're so cute. Have a nice day too.

 21 days ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.



Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator05. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.


Curated by : @chant

Thank you @chant for finding my comments quality.

Hayokk kita tour lagi😍😘

 21 days ago 

Aceh memang punya banyak keindahan alam yang luar biasa, mulai dari Masjid Baiturrahman yang megah, air terjun yang menakjubkan, pasir putih yang cantik, laut segar di kota yang sejuk, hingga pemandian air panas dan wisata pantai. Kalau ada kesempatan emas buat liburan, saya kira berkunjung ke wisata Aceh dijamin bakal jadi pengalaman yang nggak terlupakan..

Terimakasih sudah hadir, benar sekali saya sependapat denganmu.
senang bertemu denganmu!!

 20 days ago 

Your post is really beautiful , your photo with your husband is really cute 😍. I must say the way you are holding his biceos shows how much pride he has in you and how much love you have for him ❤

Thank you very much for visiting, of course we love each other and I took this photo during our holiday at Takengon Freshwater

 19 days ago 

Yes sir yyou do 😂. Beautiful lady she is and ooh great , yes you mentioned the place in your post .

thank you, good luck to you

 19 days ago 

Same to you sir 🙏

 19 days ago 

The first tourist place for you is fresh water in Takengon, a place that is always visited by tourists and that is never alone, it always has people in every season. It also offers an incredible view of the sea that people usually leave their gaze there and be calm.

In this other place, which is very visited by tourists, it is the beach located in Bantayan, Kecamayan, Seunudon. Tourists have been slow to go to see that place, perhaps because what they need is to have good publications about the place plus accommodation, among other things such as hotels. where they can have comfort.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

Thank you, 🙏 Maybe improve the location and provide suitable accommodation such as a hotel to attract tourists to visit.

The beach ⛱️ water tourist spot looks really beautiful and amazing to have a holiday and enjoy the gift of nature you went on this special trip to enjoy your leisure time and i really love the image that you shared above.
You are a lover of tourism and this post ofbyours shows that your country Indonesia 🇮🇩 is really blessed with different tourist destinations.

Is it unfortunate that foreign tourists have not visited these tourist destinations before because it is not popular and writing it here om steemit have made it to be popular and I promise you very soon you will be welcoming foreign tourists to enjoy themselves i your country.

The government of your country should tyr and invest money in developing these two tourist destination and also create hood accommodations so that foreigners will be comfortable visiting there.

I wish you success in challenge mam and stay blessed 🙌

Thank you for coming and commenting which is very relevant on this post, actually I once traveled there and it turned out to be very beautiful and I dream of visiting it again. It is true that local governments must work hard to build and provide budgets to provide suitable tourist attractions for foreign tourists

good luck to you too

You're welcome my friend, yes my friend development is needed

Indah nian Danau Laut Tawar atau air tawar yang anda tampilkan. Saat saya bertugas di Lanal Lhokseumawe sekitar tahun 2019, saya pernah lewat dan keliling danau tersebut bersama Komandan saya dan dengan teman lainnya. Sangat indah dan baru kali itu saya hadir. Saat saya KKN di Aceh Tengah tahun 1995 saya tak pernah main ke danau. Sangat disayangkan sekali padahal danaunya bagus.
Hasrat saya dengan keluarga kesana belum tersampaikan ketika tugas yang lokasi kantor kami di Pulo Rungkom. Semoga suatu masa bisa hadir ke Danau Laut tawar. Melihat suasana yang sejuk pastilah akan betah.

Sekarang ini wisata takengon laut tawar ini sudah sangat populer dan bayak sekali pengunjung yang hadir,mungkin karena sudah ada perbaikan di lokasi sehingga menarik untuk di kunjungi.

Terimakasih sudah hadir di postingan saya🙏

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