First successful coronavirus vaccine

in OCD4 years ago

Image Credit : mumbaimirror

Italy has claimed that it has already been able to develop a successful corona vaccine to be tested on humans.

A statement from Italian researchers has been published in the journal Science Times. Experts at the Spallanzani Hospital in Rome have developed an antidote for corona. Success has been achieved by applying it to the body of rats, it will also be able to eliminate corona in the human body.

Scientists say that the antibody will be able to inactivate the coronavirus in human cells. They are thinking of applying this vaccine to the human body at the end of the summer season.

Luigi Aurisicchio, chief executive of the Italian pharmaceutical company Takis, told the Italian news agency ANSA that the vaccine developed by scientists had signaled that it would be effective in the human body at Spallanzani Hospital. He thinks that this is the first candidate vaccine in the world, which is able to keep the coronavirus away from the human body.

Luigi Aurisicchio added that their research is at an almost final stage at the moment. The US company Linrex is providing them with technical assistance.

At the moment, the whole world is waiting to see which country can develop the corona vaccine first. However, Luigi is not willing to go to any competition. "Everyone is fighting with Corona," he said. We are in no competition On the contrary, the fight will be successful only with the help of everyone.

Originally published on my Serey blog



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